Page 16 of Doubly Claimed
“No, my sisters and I are all here. We go on vacation together every year, you know, to reconnect.”
“That’s nice.” He cocked his head, a small smile played at the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah, I’ve been looking forward to this all year.” She tapped the table.
“Really? And you all traveled together?” Mr. Hottie-Mc-Green-Eyes returned, and his presence alleviated the sudden tension in the air.
“No, we flew separately.” She didn’t know why she felt so comfortable with them, but she did, chatting was surprisingly easy.
“How are you finding the resort? Is everything to your liking?”
“Yes, it is beautiful here. The hotel gave us a free upgrade to our rooms. We have a suite now with a stunning view of the beach,” she added, careful to keep her room number to herself.
Just in case. Usually, Sage was the one with her freak-o-meter working overtime. With her sisters roaming the tiki bar, she had to be careful. Though being honest, Ginger was a tad more laid back about things like that. But that was because her nose was always in a book, or so her siblings said.
But if she could say one thing for her books, they taught her what to expect and desire in her relationships with men. Ginger had a lot of desires. Right now, she wanted the two stunningly attractive men who coincidentally seemed to be very interested in her as well. Her heart thudded. Emotions swelled within her.
The bracelet pulsed and warmed, almost as if in time with her growing arousal. Maybe it was a sign this night was special. That this thing, whatever it was, she felt between the two strangers and herself, was in fact right.
No matter what mainstream society might think, Ginger was open to the infinite possibilities spending the night with these two handsome men might bring. Did that make her naughty? Maybe. But she only had one life, and she was going to live it her way.