Page 5 of Her Trick His Treat
The other women busted out laughing while their men just looked confused before turning similar glares my way.
The fuck did I do?
“Uh,” I replied, having no idea what ashadow daddywas, much less if I was one.
“Fucking dick,” Buck growled, but his wife elbowed him and earned my eternal gratitude.
Last thing I wanted to do was scrapple with that fucking beast. So, hands raised in surrender, it was. He just growled and shoved me a little while the women laughed their asses off.
I mean, I was no slouch when it came to staying fit, but I was a pacifist at heart.
Well. Kinda.
I didn’t believe in fighting, but I had no desire to fight anyone. Least of all my old school buddies.
I didn’t know what the fuck a shadow daddy was, but the wolf whistles and catcalls were somewhat gratifying.
I struck a pose, flexing my muscles in the skintight t-shirt and jeans I had on. Then, tilting my head in my insane looking skull mask, I growled deep and low.
The ladies went wild. And my boys were pissed.
Ha ha ha.
“Oh my God, I wish Cam was here! She would love you!” Jan said, and I dipped my head in acknowledgement.
“Bro, the fuck?” Sonny growled this time, and I couldn’t help it, I laughed out loud.
“That’s okay, Sonny, I hear women like it when their husbands gain sympathy weight during pregnancy,” I said, patting his still flat stomach.
“You fuck,” he replied, elbowing me in my gut.
But I was expecting it, and I already flexed my abs, so it didn’t hurt much. That got more laughs and soon all the couples were hugging it out while I stood there with my dick in my hand.
Metaphorically. Not literally.
I wasn’t a fucking pervert.
Truth was, being around all that love-dovey energy was making me feel like a fifth, or was it a seventh wheel?
The conversation was turned over to the women who were all lamenting that one of theirs hadn’t shown up, but I was not really listening.
“Tommy, will you tell me if you see Camryn?” Jan asked.
I nodded even though I had no idea who that was.
“Excuse me,” I said to the ladies and turned towards the front bar.
I was looking for something to take my mind off my unfortunately single state when I sawher.
Holy. Fuck.
It was like all the air in my lungs got sucked out by the gorgeous vixen. She had legs for miles swathed in sheer blacklace and a miniskirt that was so fucking short I was positive she wasn’t wearing panties.
Typically, I’d always gravitated towards thin women.
Tall. Skinny. Flat-chested. Athletic builds.