Page 30 of Her Werewolf Lover
A subtle plea for support.
I can do that. I can be there for her. She can lean on me.
“Hey there, Buddy. You need some help?” Michael whispered, using his position to remain on eye level with the boy who seemed to cower upon seeing a man.
The boy’s expression changed once Michael was down to his level, and he uncovered his cherubic face.
“Mommy’s getting her stuff, and she can’t lift it too good because her boo-boo arm hurts, the baby throwed up, and I gotta go potty real bad,” he blurted in a rush that made Michael’s heart squeeze.
“Sean! Sean,” yelled a frantic looking blond woman in the next driveway.
When she spotted the little boy, she came running with a baby in her one good arm. Michael noted her other arm was wrapped up in a sling.
A closer look revealed the woman had some bruising on the left side of her face and swelling around her eye.
Samantha nudged him and he nodded slightly, anger brimming underneath the surface.
Whoever had hurt her was hopefully paying for it right now.
“Sean, I was so scared. You can’t just run off like that. I’m so sorry.”
The woman looked back and forth between Michael and Samantha while touching her son’s head with the tips of the fingers of her bound hand.
The gesture was one of protectiveness and love, and Michael approved. He couldn’t remember if Maya’s mother had ever touched their daughter like that.
Michael wondered if Samantha would be like that with his daughter. Then he thought about the future and wondered if she wanted children of her own.
The image made his chest feel tight and his pulserace. The Wolf inside of him loosed a howl and Michael felt real need fill his soul.
He wanted that. He wanted her.
A mate.
A family.
They would have such a good life together. He just had to grab his balls and tell her.
“I’m so sorry to intrude. I don’t know what came over him. Sean, please apologize to these people.” The woman tried to balance the infant in her arms and the small boy in front of her with only one good arm.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all! This is a good-looking guy you got right here. Bet he’s strong too,” Michael said and gave the woman a friendly smile.
“It’s no trouble, really. I’m Samantha, I just moved in a few days ago,” Samantha said.
“Nice to meet you. Well, you’ve met Sean. I’m Della. Della Connors. This is my baby, Janie. We just got here a few minutes ago, actually.”
Michael ruffled the little boy’s golden locks and pretended to feel his biceps, earning him a shy smile from the boy. His mother seemed touched by that, but was still a little hesitant.
He couldn’t blame her. She looked like she’d beenthrough it. There was something about this new neighbor, though.
She wasn’t Wolf. but she wasn’t entirely human either. He would have to investigate to make sure his mate was safe. The Wolf would not allow for anything less.
But for now, she seemed harmless, if a little battered and scared. His Wolf did not like that either. Something he would have to inform his Alpha.
Maccon City was the prime territory for the Macconwood Wolf Pack, led by Rafe Maccon. He was a good and just leader, a strong Alpha. Michael knew he would never turn anyone away, especially not a woman and her children in need of help.
“I’m Michael Duarte. My crew and I will be here the next couple of weeks doing construction on Samantha’s home. But I promise, we’re good people, Ms. Connor,” he said, and held the woman’s gaze for a moment.
Her eyes reflected at him, some of her innate powers. A Shifter perhaps? But no, not a Wolf.