Page 32 of Her Werewolf Lover
“Come on,” Eileen said and directed him to the little half bathroom right off the kitchen.
“Nonsense, really,” Samantha toldher again. “Eileen has been taking care of this place since before I lived here. She’s wonderful people.”
“And Michael?” Della asked.
Samantha stilled. She felt a surge of jealousy, and that was unlike her. The young mother was clearly not looking for a man, but she couldn’t help it. She shook it off and poured coffee.
“Actually, he is her nephew. I hired him to do reconstruction on this place. See, I got it in the divorce settlement and my ex, gem that he was, had his first ex do the decorating.”
“I see. Is that why all that red velvet is in the dumpster out back?” Della asked, and Samantha noticed her lips twitching.
Both women started chuckling. Michael entered, smiling warmly at Sam, and she felt it down to her toes.
“Now, what kind of snacks do I have for you inAunt Eileen’scupboards? Are you hungry, Sean? And you, baby Janie, come here. Don’t worry, Miss Della, your little boy and girl will be fine,” Eileen said, and held out her arms.
Della looked stunned, but she handed the baby over and watched as Sean raced after the older woman, smiling at the promise of a snack.
“Oh, um,” Della started.
“Sorry, my aunt is rather headstrong,” Michael replied.
“She is, but I promise she is wonderful,” Samantha added, wanting to make sure Della felt comfortable and needing to put in a good word for Eileen at the same time.
Besides, they were all right in the kitchen and Della could see the kids just fine.
“Um, thank you all, really. I should probably finish unpacking the car. I should take the kids and get going. And I’m so sorry my Sean rang your bell like that and interrupted you and your mate,” she said, cut off by the sound of a growl.
Sam turned to catch the culprit, but she didn’t see any dogs or pets nearby. Michael stood there, hands on his hips and a genial smile on his face, and Della just tucked her short hair behind her ears with one hand.
“What is that? Ugh, never mind,” Samantha said, dismissing the phantom pup. “Della, please stop apologizing. It is no problem. Hey, wait,” Sam said, “you’re moving in right next door? I didn’t even know anyone bought the place. That’s great, when do the truck and the movers get here?”
“Well, I’m it actually. Inherited the house from agreat uncle. Everything I’ve got is in my car,” Della answered, keeping an eye on her children.
“Della, would it be alright if I had some of my crew help you bring your stuff inside?” Michael asked.
Sam could tell she was about to refuse. But that was so not happening on her watch.
“That is a wonderful idea, Michael, thank you. Now you can have some coffee and snacks with the kids, and we can get some girl-talk in,” Samantha said, taking Della’s good arm and leading her to a stool.
She looked over at Michael and winked. Her heart beating a mile a minute. He was so kind and polite. She felt bad now for her momentary surge of jealousy.
He didn’t belong to her or anything, but the way he was looking at her now made her think maybe he’d like to.
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
“Sounds great. Tell you what, I’ll order some bagels and spreads from the local bakery and have them delivered and I’ll get my guys on moving Della in. I will see you all in a bit,” Michael said to all the females, before he ducked outside.
“That is one good man,” Della whispered and shook her head.
“Yes,Miguelitois the best,” Eileen agreed. “Right, Samantha?”
“Oh, um, yeah. Michael is very thoughtful and kind,” Sam agreed, feeling warm and shy all of a sudden.
She wasn’t sure if she should reveal her crush to his aunt or not. It was still too new.
One kiss did not a relationship make.
Besides, she hadn’t even acknowledged the depth of her feelings to herself yet. Michael felt big. But that was dangerous. He could hurt her.