Page 7 of Her Werewolf Lover
What the heck?
Dropping the purple wide toothed comb she was just running through her hair, she sighed and ran down to answer it.
Whoever it was, they sure were insistent.
The ringing of the doorbell was loud and obnoxious, a chorus of choir bells that would have been more appropriate in a horror movie than in a home.
Another “improvement” by Vincenza, she was sure.
Ugh.That has to go, she thought, adding it to her ever-growing list of crap that needed to be changed.
“I’m coming, I’m coming. One minute,” she called as she rounded the staircase and slid down the hallway corner to the entryway.
“Ouch! Damn,oh damn, my toe! It hasn’t stoppedthrobbing from the shower yet. Now this?” Sam cried out.
“Hello,” the stranger said, as she opened the heavy wooden door and hopped towards the shoe bench that sat along the wall.
Ignoring her visitor, she reached for her injured appendage, cursing softly.
“Are you okay? Here, let me see.”
Strong masculine hands came towards her and removed her grip on her foot.
“It’s fine,” she moaned and bit her lip.
Pain was so not her thing. The large, firm hands cradled her foot, and turned it this way and that while their owner seemed intent on identifying any major damage.
Samantha stole a glance. She looked straight ahead, chagrined to see the giant of a man was taller than her even when down on bended knee.
Holy cow.
He was handsome with unruly dark hair, an unshaved chin, and the most disreputable looking pair of blue jeans she had ever seen clinging to a pair of solid looking thighs.
Muscles corded around his body, and she couldn’t help but whimper at the sight. Currently, hewas holding her ankle and fixing that dark-eyed stare of his on her foot. His lashes were thick and long, and his eyebrows were just as full, with a perfect arch in each one.
Oh no. This would not do. Not at all. Samantha could not afford to get her head all turned around by a sexy stranger.
“Um,no, I’m not okay. You scared the heck out of me with all that knocking and ringing. I stubbed my toe. Twice in the last ten minutes,” she said and pulled back.
But the man held on in a firm, yet gentle grip. Those warm, powerful hands flexing briefly, making her squirm on the bench.
What the hell was wrong with her?
A smile teased the corners of his full lips, andwait,was he growling?
“Sorry about that,” he said and cleared his throat.
But he still did not release her ankle. Sam became flushed with every small stroke of his fingertips.
“Don’t worry, I’ve had some emergency training, and I promise not to bite.”
He smiled widely, showcasing his straight white teeth. Samantha nodded, as ifthiswas all normal somehow.
Allowing this stranger into her home, sitting there meekly, albeit unclothed, while he continued to carefully assess the damage she’d done with deliberate, yet gentle touches on her tender foot.