Page 18 of Shadow Undercover
“Stay. Since we can’t ask Pedro for information, what’s our next best option?”
Amazing. Why didn’t she label him a killer as other people had? “We turn Zane loose and let him work his magic. We’ll call in markers across law enforcement and military channels. Someone knows something. Hugo lives to be fawned over and with a woman as famous as your sister, someone must have seen her. We’ll find them.”
“Call Zane now. Please. I have to find Ruth.”
“Before I do, you need to understand something. What my team did in Chile can’t be talked about in public. We have enemies, Bridget. Terrorists who would love nothing better than to track us down and kill us. Anything said in public would put me and my teammates in danger.”
“I’m familiar with media vultures. They hound Ruth all the time. I won’t be talking to anyone. The last thing I want to do is endanger you and your friends. All I want is to find Ruth and bring her home.”
The ball of ice in Trace’s stomach melted. “My job doesn’t bother you?”
“The sniper thing?” She shook her head. “Although I was in pain in Puebla, I paid attention to you. Sam’s right. You’re a protector. You’re no different than a SWAT officer using a bullet to stop someone determined to hurt others. I’d be a fool to label you as evil. I’ve seen evil up close. That’s not you.”
Thank God. Why did her opinion of him matter so much? “I’m glad you see it that way. Most people don’t.”
“I’m not like most people.”
He squeezed her hand. “I’m beginning to see that.”
“I promise not to tell your secrets, even under duress.” She smiled. “Now, will you call your friend?”
Trace drew in a slow breath as he slid his phone from his pocket. If Bridget was under duress, he and the rest of the Shadow unit were either grievously injured or dead, and she was in serious trouble. Praying that never happened, Trace hit speed dial for Zane Murphy, the Fortress tech guru, and placed the call on speaker.
“Yeah, Murphy.”
“It’s Trace. Need a favor.”
“Name it.”
“First, you’re on speaker with Bridget Monihan. Bridget, this is Zane, the Fortress tech wizard.”
“Hi, Zane.”
“Nice to meet you, Bridget. What do you need, Trace?”
“For you to find a model for me.”
Zane was silent for a few seconds. “Okay, I can’t figure that one out. Explain, my friend.”
“I need you to find a supermodel who works under the name Roxanne.”
More silence. “Listen, Claire promised to introduce you to a good woman. You don’t have to resort to stalking a supermodel.” Laugher filled his friend’s voice.
“Ha ha. Tell your wife no thanks. Roxanne’s real name is Ruth Monihan. She’s Bridget’s sister. Ruth is missing.”
“Haven’t heard that in the media.”
“It won’t be long,” Bridget said. “Her agent has been calling repeatedly, looking for her. It’s bound to hit the media soon.”
“Where did you last see her?”
“In Freeport. She was on a short break between modeling contracts and was to report for the next job three days ago.”
“Was she seeing anyone?”
“Unfortunately. Ruth started dating Hugo Torino a few weeks ago.”
“Pedro Torino’s son?”