Page 62 of Shadow Undercover
“Trace Rawlins. When you have a chance, contact Hugo through the chat room. The sooner we dangle the bait, the quicker he’ll be focused on me instead of his prize prisoner.”
“Why aren’t you using a name totally different than your own?” Bridget asked.
“Too easy to make a mistake by not responding when someone calls me by name.” He glanced at Zane. “Bridget needs a fake ID, something similar to her own name.”
“What about Bree Morris?”
Bridget frowned. “Can we make the name Bree Ramsey?”
“Why Ramsey?”
“It’s my great-grandmother’s maiden name and one I’ve always liked. If I have kids one day, I hope to use Ramsey as a middle name for my son.”
Zane nodded. “I think that will work.” He grabbed a driver’s license and travel visa from the desk and handed them to her. “Replacement ID. I’ll have Bree Ramsey’s ID finished in a few minutes and her background in place in a few hours.”
“We’ll stop by later to pick it up.” Trace clapped Zane on the shoulder. “Thanks.”
“Where are you off to?”
“Restocking my supplies, then meeting with Veronica Walker as soon as possible. After that, I need to work on self-defense tactics with my new partner.” He planned to teach her a handful of techniques that would drop the largest man and give her a chance to escape.
“I need to pick up my car from the airport,” Bridget reminded him.
“Got your keys?” Zane asked.
“I grabbed my spare set before we left the house this morning.”
“I’ll have your car delivered here.”
Trace waved off his suggestion. “We’ll take care of it. You have enough to deal with. Besides, the airport is on the way to Adam and Veronica’s place. We’ll park her car at my house while we’re out of town.”
“All right. I’ll let you know when the ID is finished. Bridget, I have your laptop ready. I can set up your security passwords and go over some basics of the programs and encryption we use while Trace restocks his gear.”
“Sounds good.” She glanced at Trace. “I want my own communication gear. Other than that, I’ll leave my mission equipment up to you.”
His lips curved. Bridget was determined not to be left out of the team’s communication again. Trace gave Zane a pointed look. The tech wizard grinned and saluted. Smart aleck. Trace didn’t think Bridget was in danger inside Fortress headquarters, but he wouldn’t leave anything to chance. He wanted someone to be responsible for her safety until this mission was complete. Although Z was in a wheelchair, he was still every inch a Navy SEAL and as dangerous as any operative with functioning legs.
Trace made his way to the underground vaults that stored weapons, tactical gear, and medical supplies for the operatives. He found his teammates on the lowest level.
“What’s the verdict?” Nico asked.
As if there was any question. “I have a new partner. She’s with Zane at the moment. I’m under orders to get a comm system for her.”
He nodded. “Smart. We’ll be able to communicate with her if the two of you are separated.”
Trace snorted. “The reason she wants the comm system is so she won’t miss any of the conversations. The lady wasn’t a fan of me censoring our team communication in Chile. If we’re separated and she needs the comm system to call for help, we’re both in a world of hurt.”
After he retrieved his bag and restocked his gear, then chose a few things for Bridget along with the comm system, he called the Walker residence and spoke to Veronica. When she agreed to work with Bridget, Trace returned to the communication center.
Zane and Bridget had their attention fixed on the laptop on the table between them. He glanced over his shoulder at Trace. “We’re finished here. I was showing Bridget how to navigate three of our databases.”
“This computer is amazing, Trace.” She beamed at him. “We don’t have anything this sophisticated in my high school, a good thing or I would have been in serious trouble over the years.”
He grinned. “Look out, Z. We have another hacker in training.”
His friend chuckled. “I’m going to thoroughly corrupt your friend by the time I’m finished with her.”
“Teach me everything, Zane. I want to be a great researcher.”