Page 84 of Shadow Undercover
They walked to Hugo and his guard. The crime boss inclined his head toward the bloody, battered man cowering on his knees. “Jose is a liar and thief. He stole from me. I won’t tolerate that, Mr. Rawlins. You will kill him as an example to others who might be tempted to cross me.”
Bridget sucked in a breath. Hugo wanted Trace to kill a man in cold blood right in front of her? She watched Trace, keeping her expression neutral.
Although she felt bad for the man kneeling at her feet, her heart ached for Trace. He was being forced into the role of a killer for hire, a man without honor who dispatched people for a paycheck. Honorable to the core, killing a man in cold blood at the whim of a ruthless criminal would slice into his soul and leave a gaping wound that might never heal.
“Want help, Trace?” Nico asked through the comm system.
Trace kissed Bridget briefly, then pressed a kiss to the ear with the comm device. He whispered, “Cover her.”
He looked at Hugo. “I don’t want Bree to see this. She’ll wait by the SUV.”
“Agreed. Fernando will stay with her. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to your lady.”
A threat couched in velvet. Why would anyone want to work Hugo? He’d as soon thrust a knife in your back as to reward you for a job well done.
“Target acquired,” Ben murmured.
Bridget wanted to protest Trace’s instructions, but anything she did other than obey him would result in forfeiting his life and hers. She’d wanted in on this mission. Ruth said Bridget had a spine of steel. Now was time to show that spine and fortitude. If there was a way to avoid murdering the man, Trace would find it. If not, she’d stay by Trace’s side as he dealt with the aftereffects. No one should have to walk alone in the darkness. She pivoted and walked toward the SUV.
“I’ll take this man further into the desert rather than risk Bree seeing the mess left behind,” Trace said.
“Although she is beautiful, a stronger woman would be a better fit for your life. One day, you may have to address her weakness in a permanent manner.”
Her steps faltered. A permanent manner? Hugo was hinting that Trace should kill her? Holy cow! The crime boss acted as though murdering an innocent woman was normal in his world. That made her more determined to free Ruth from Hugo’s clutches.
Bridget glanced back to see Trace haul the battered man to his feet and march him further into the desert. Over the comm device, she heard Trace ask the man something in Spanish and listen to the response before saying something else. Not for the first time since this nightmare began, Bridget wished she had studied Spanish instead of Latin in high school.
With her back pressed against the side of the SUV, Bridget kept her gaze locked on Trace and the man he was to kill on Hugo’s order. Standing ten feet away, Fernando divided his attention between Bridget and the scenario playing out in the countryside. The guard’s obvious eagerness to watch as Hugo’s orders were carried out sickened her.
The Fortress operative stopped near an outcropping of rocks and shoved Jose away from him. After pulling his gun from his holster, Trace aimed at the victim and fired. Jose fell on the ground, the upper half of his body hidden by the rocks. He remained motionless.
Heart in her throat, Bridget watched as Trace stored his gun and stalked toward Hugo, anger apparent as he approached the crime boss and his men.
Fernando grabbed Bridget’s arm and dragged her toward his boss.
In a few long strides, Trace intercepted Fernando and blocked his forward progress. Between one heartbeat and the next, his gun was in his hand and pointed at the guard’s face. “Hands off of her. Now.”
“New target acquired,” Ben murmured. “I’ve got the guard on the left. Nico has the other one.”
Fernando’s eyes glittered. “You have a death wish?”
“Fernando.” Hugo walked closer. “Release the woman. Now is not the time.”
Bridget caught the subtle warning. Goosebumps surged up her spine at the unspoken promise to his bodyguard.
“Bridget, break his hold and go to Trace,” Nico ordered.
She used one of the techniques Trace had taught her, yanking her arm back against Fernando’s thumb and freeing herself. Bridget scrambled away from Fernando and ran to Trace. He pushed her behind him without shifting his gaze from the guard who manhandled her.
“If you touch her again, you’re dead. You won’t get another warning.”
Bridget shivered. She’d never heard that icy tone in his voice before. She had a feeling Trace wasn’t bluffing. Fernando must have believed his threat because he held up his hands and moved a few feet away. His eyes, however, promised retribution.
“Come.” Hugo motioned toward the SUVs. “You’ve done well, Mr. Rawlins. It’s time to negotiate our terms.”