Page 99 of Shadow Undercover
Feeling as though she’d inquired about Trace’s private life enough for now, especially with an audience listening to every word that passed between them, Bridget lapsed into silence for the rest of the journey.
When Trace turned into the long driveway, he was directed by one of Hugo’s men to park at the back of the house.
Bridget could see why they’d been given that instruction when they neared the well-lit house. The driveway was littered with cars and SUVs, most of them luxury automobiles. She figured Trace would park away from the glut of vehicles anyway even without the guard’s direction. They might need a fast getaway, hopefully with Ruth in the backseat.
Hope burned deep in her heart that they would find her sister tonight. Zane was still combing the Internet for a hint of Ruth’s location. The Fortress operatives knew what was at stake. Although they wanted to free her sister from captivity, they had to stop the chemical weapon sale. She prayed Phantom would be able to take control of the warehouse and weapon without Hugo’s men getting word back to the crime boss that the gas was in enemy control.
Would they be able to turn over the weapon to the feds and federales fast enough to help Shadow? The whole operation depended on split-second timing. If one part of the operation was delayed, they could lose Ruth to a bullet.
No. Shadow and Phantom were the best at what they did. They would free her sister.
Trace drove around the side of the hacienda and parked a short distance away from the other vehicles. When he turned off the engine, he twisted to face Bridget. “Are you ready?”
“I’m ready to go home with you and my sister. I also want Hugo behind bars or dead. I’m not picky. I’ll take either choice. I just want him out of commission so he can’t ever hurt Ruth or another woman again.”
He smiled. “I like your plan.” He leaned close, cupped the side of her face with his big palm, and kissed her. When he eased away, Trace nuzzled her neck. “We’re going in, Nico,” he murmured.
“Copy. Phantom is in position and will move as soon as it’s dark. They can’t afford to move in earlier. If something happens here before their part of the plan is complete, we’re on our own. Bridget?”
“Yes, sir?”
“Do exactly what Trace tells you to do. If you two run into trouble, we’ll be there. Try to wait until Phantom is clear before calling in reinforcements, all right?”
His teasing tone coaxed a laugh from Bridget. “We’ll do our best.”
“Leave the comm devices on. We’ll monitor and give you updates as we get them from Phantom.”
“Copy that.” After brushing her mouth with his in a gentle kiss, Trace came around the SUV to open Bridget’s door. He threaded his fingers through hers and led her to the back gate of the courtyard.
One of Hugo’s guards watched their progress as they crossed the asphalt and grass, then followed the path to the entrance. He unlocked the gate to admit them. “You armed?”
Trace inclined his head. “Always. I never go anywhere unarmed.” His lips curled. “Can’t be too careful in my line of work. Torino made clear that I might be working tonight after dinner. If you have a problem, take it up with the boss.” He moved past the guard with Bridget at his side without giving him a chance to argue or confiscate weapons.
She held her head high despite the fear making her blood run cold. She could do this. Ruth was counting on her as were Trace and his teammates.
Bridget and Trace approached the door on the opposite side of the courtyard where another guard waited. This one didn’t question Trace about his weapons. He opened the door and motioned for them to go inside.
She drew in a deep breath and followed Trace into the lion’s den.
Trace led Bridget through the kitchen bustling with catering staff and waiters. The food looked and smelled fantastic, making him aware that he’d gone hours without eating. With such a varied menu, at least one or two items should be easy for Bridget to eat and keep down. Because Hugo would be watching, she had to appear comfortable with last night’s events. Although he hoped the charade wouldn’t have to be carried out for long, for now Bridget had to act as though everything was normal.
He followed the sound of voices and clinking glasses to a staircase leading to the second floor of the main residence. Bulky stood at the base of the stairs, blocking access to the next floor.
When the guard saw them approaching, he shifted to the side to keep Trace in his sight. His eyes glittered with dislike. Was this the man who tried to run them down in the boutique’s parking lot?
With his body between her and the guard, Trace cupped Bridget’s elbow and started up the stairs. They reached the second floor landing a moment later and Trace paused at the entrance to a large room. A ballroom from the setup. Did anyone give balls anymore?
His glance took in the clusters of people dressed in dinner attire, cocktails and small plates of appetizers clutched in their hands.
“We’re late,” Bridget murmured.
“Actually, we’re right on time. These folks are eager to please and impress our host.”
As though sensing a threat bearing down on them, Trace’s nape prickled. He casually slid his arm around Bridget’s waist. “Incoming,” he murmured.
He watched as Hugo Torino threaded his way through the milling crowd, stopping here and there to exchange greetings with a person or group who hailed him before resuming his journey to Trace and Bridget.