Page 16 of Shadow Redemption
He returned to the porch and tugged her inside. After closing the door, he whispered, “Wait here until I return.” Remembering the layout from the night he’d been Trace’s backup while protecting Bridget, Ben cleared her colonial-style two-story house room by room and found it empty of threats. Nothing appeared disturbed.
Returning the Sig to his holster, he retraced his steps to Ruth. “It’s clear.”
Relief shone in her eyes. “Good.” She went to the kitchen and began to make coffee. “I’m assuming either you or Cal will want coffee to help you stay awake tonight.”
“Smart lady.”
When the doorbell rang, Ruth’s hand jerked and spilled coffee beans on the counter.
“Easy. That’s probably Cal. Your stalker would have to be deranged to announce himself by ringing the bell.” He squeezed her shoulder as he moved past her.
After checking the peephole, Ben opened the door to the former police detective. “You made good time.”
A snort from his friend. “For once, there wasn’t a traffic accident to work around. Who’s the principal?”
Ruth’s soft voice sounded from the kitchen entrance. “I am, Cal. Thanks for agreeing to help out tonight.”
Cal turned, a smile curving his mouth. “Good to see you again, Ruth, although I’m sorry it’s under these circumstances.” He turned back to Ben. “What are we dealing with?”
The smile faded. “You have leads?”
“A few. He’s been sending pictures to her email, a delivery of strawberries, a fruit she’s allergic to, and a dozen black roses. Today, he left a picture on her SUV’s windshield and we were nearly hit in the parking lot of Damien’s tonight.”
A scowl. “He’s escalating.”
“Zane is tracking the car as far as he can with traffic cams, but the car didn’t have plates.”
“What about the emails?”
“The Internet search is in progress as we speak.”
A slow nod. “When did Shadow return?”
“A few hours ago.”
“Ah. I’ll take the first shift and stick around in case you need an assist.”
“Appreciate it.” Ben looked at Ruth. “Will the coffee be ready soon?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Is that a hint to leave the room so the super operatives can confer with each other without alarming the fragile victim?”
“It’s a request for your magic elixir, Ruth, not a comment on your spine or your courage.”
“Why don’t I believe you? Your magic elixir will be ready in a few minutes.” She whirled and disappeared into the kitchen.
“Whew. The lady is seriously irritated. I don’t envy you at all. Now, tell me the rest,” Cal murmured, his gaze locked on Ben’s.
In as little detail as possible, he relayed her experience with Torino and Maddox’s order for Ben to act as Ruth’s boyfriend to draw out her stalker.
“What do you know about her personal life?”
He shrugged. “We’re friends. We talk.” A lot. Hours at a time, hours that he was able to relax and let down his guard.
“Does she have a boyfriend or an ex who doesn’t want to let go of one of the most beautiful women on the planet?”
“She hasn’t mentioned one.” He shoved the jealousy behind a mental wall, reminding himself again that she wasn’t for him. Ruth deserved someone better.