Page 30 of Shadow Redemption
Still might if he couldn’t shake the SUV on their tail. Ben activated his Bluetooth system. His call was answered seconds later.
“Yeah, Murphy.”
“It’s Ben. You’re on speaker with Ruth. We’re coming in hot.”
He maneuvered around a slow-moving car as he accelerated onto the interstate entrance ramp. “Just got on I-24 westbound at Medical Center Parkway, heading for headquarters. Do we have assets in the area?”
“Checking now.” The sound of Zane’s fingers flying over the keyboard. “Eli Wolfe is ten miles from your location. He’s working his way to you now. Description of the vehicle?”
Excellent. Eli Wolfe used his southern charm with the same skill and expertise with which he wielded his Ka-Bar and Sig. If he couldn’t have Shadow at his back, he’d gladly have this fellow SEAL on his six. “Black SUV, late model Explorer. Tell Wolfe there are two men in the SUV, both trigger happy.”
“Copy that. Need me to stay on the line with you?”
Ben reached a relatively open stretch of interstate and pressed the gas pedal to the floor. The SUV’s powerful engine responded quickly. He eyed the sea of red lights about a mile ahead. “As long as you can. We have traffic ahead of us. I’ll have to exit the interstate.”
“I’m sending Wolfe your SUV’s GPS signal so he can track of your location.”
A pause, then, “I have another call coming in. I’m putting you on hold for a minute.”
Ruth said, “Is it okay for me to sit up?”
Although Ben didn’t like it, he nodded. The Explorer was a quarter of a mile behind them. Traffic was slowing and bunching up which meant he would have to take the exit just ahead. He couldn’t afford to let the Explorer catch them without Wolfe to lend a hand. The last thing he wanted was for these bozos to run him off the road with Ruth in the vehicle. “If the Explorer gets too close....”
She held up her hand. “You don’t have to say it. If they get too close, I’ll fold myself in half again like a cheap suitcase.” Ruth flashed him a grin as she sat up.
He laughed. “You have a wicked sense of humor. I like it.” How did he not know this about her? He’d obsessed about her for months yet still missed this.
For some reason, Ruth looked pleased with herself, as though she had an agenda, but he couldn’t figure out what her plan was. As long as she wasn’t in a panic or crying, he’d count himself blessed. He could handle anything except her tears.
“Who is Eli Wolfe?” she asked.
“Another one of Maddox’s teammates. He’s one of the best operatives I’ve ever seen in action. He and his friend, Jon Smith, aren’t men you want on your tail. They never give up.”
“Jon Smith? Really?”
That brought another short laugh. “That’s his real name. Jon has a well-worn driver’s license to prove it. He’s a quiet, intense guy, a man that smart men don’t cross if they know what’s good for them.”
“He’s that dangerous?”
“Oh, yeah. Smith has a soft spot for women and children, though, so you’re safe.”
“Is he married?” She sounded as though she didn’t believe any woman would trust her own safety to Jon.
Ben nodded. “His wife’s name is Dana, and he adores her and their daughter. He’s fiercely protective of his family. Anyone who threatens them winds up in prison or dead. He’s not particular about which option is chosen.”
Did she realize Ben would be just as fierce a protector for her? She couldn’t or Ruth wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable in his presence.
“What about his partner, Eli?”
“Same with his wife, Brenna, and their daughter. He’s a full-on southern gentleman as long as you’re no threat to his family. Eli is as dangerous as his partner, but he always catches people by surprise because of his easy-going demeanor.”
“Did you work with them in the military?”