Page 41 of Shadow Redemption
Oh, man. Dread coiled in his gut like a viper readying itself to strike a death blow. When Ruth’s hand tightened on his, Ben pulled out a chair and seated her. Might as well hear the bad news sitting down. He dropped into the chair beside Ruth’s. “Let’s hear it.”
“Bridget wants to see Ruth,” Trace interjected.
“She’ll wait.” Ruth stared down her brother-in-law. “I’m stronger than you think, Trace.”
“This doesn’t concern you.”
“Can it, Trace.” Ben sent him a pointed glance as he wrapped a blanket around Ruth and pressed the insulated cup into her hand. “No more secrets.” Keeping something this vital from Ruth would be an epic mistake. Ben wanted her to choose him with full knowledge of the risks involved.
He wrapped his hand around Ruth’s free one. Even considering a relationship with her was foolish. He knew the people who had a price on his head. Ruth didn’t understand. Between the two of them, she wasn’t the broken one. He was. Ben shifted his attention to Nico. “What did Jon learn?”
“The two thugs in the Explorer weren’t after Ruth.”
That’s what he’d been afraid of. “They were after me.”
“I already informed Zane and Maddox. They’re looking into it.”
He rubbed the back of his neck, frustrated and angry. Which ghost from his past was coming back to bite him now? Didn’t really matter, he realized. They were all deadly and wanted revenge against him and anyone who meant something to him. Shadow unit could take care of themselves. Ruth, on the other hand, would be helpless against the violence and murderous rage of his past.
“What will we do?” Ruth asked, voice soft.
“Deal with it when we find out who is behind the attack.” He turned back to Nico. “What about the troublemakers in the truck?”
“Lost them at a traffic light. Zane is checking the security footage. Hopefully, we’ll find the truck and the drivers and have a chat with them.”
“Will Jon question these men, too?” Ruth asked.
Joe’s eyebrows rose. “What do you know about Smith?”
“Only what Ben told me. He says Jon’s very good at his job.”
Sam exchanged glances with her husband, then said, “Trace and Nico have serious interrogation skills as well. If Z identifies the truck guys before we leave for Mexico, they can question the men if Jon’s not available.”
Nico grabbed a remote and pointed it at the wall screen. “We have a few hours before we head to the airport. Let’s talk about hotel security while we wait for word from Z. We need the hours on the jet to recharge.” He brought up the hotel schematics. “Ruth, this would be a good time to go see your sister. Bridget wants to see you.”
She was silent a moment. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
Shadow’s leader grinned. “No, ma’am. I know firsthand from my wife that these discussions are boring as dirt to anyone not involved in the security end of a mission. All you have to do in Mexico is model and follow our recommendations for your safety.”
Ruth looked at Ben.
He leaned close and brushed her mouth with his. “Go. You’ll feel better after talking to your sister and so will Bridget.” Satisfied that she’d be safe inside Fortress headquarters, he remained seated as she left the conference room with her blanket and cup of tea.
When he turned back to his teammates, all of them were staring at him, various degrees of surprise or shock on their faces. “What?” His tone came out curt.
“I thought this dating relationship was to satisfy the media and draw out the stalker,” Trace said, his voice dead even. “Something you need to tell me, buddy?”
“It’s none of your business.”
His friend’s eyes narrowed. “Try again, Martin. She’s my sister-in-law. I have a vested interested in her wellbeing.”
“Enough.” Nico rose to his feet, glaring at them. “We can’t have division on this op, Trace, so either deal with what’s happening or walk away from the assignment.”
“That’s Bridget’s sister he’s kissing like she’s his flavor of the week. She’s fragile.”
Hands fisted, Ben said, “She’s stronger than any of us. Don’t underestimate her. You know better than to think I would toy with her emotions. Make another crack about Ruth being my flavor of the week and you’ll be sporting a black eye on this assignment.” After five years as teammates and best friends, Trace’s belief that Ben would treat Ruth with anything less than respect ripped a gouge in his heart. Guess he didn’t know Trace as well as he thought.
“Enough, Ben. This is your last warning, Trace,” Nico said.