Page 53 of Shadow Redemption
“Nice.” Joe handed Ben his bags and Ruth’s. “Second honeymoon, Sparky?”
Sam smiled. “Every day is a honeymoon with you.”
Oh, boy. Having the two lovebirds in the suite might prove awkward. Ben was also a little envious of their relationship. Would he ever have that life with the woman he adored?
They exited the elevator on the fourth floor and turned left. At the end of the hall, a set of double doors identified their suite. Ben nudged Ruth to the side and used his key card to unlock the door. He slipped into the suite and scanned the dimly lit living area, weapon in hand. After completing a sweep of the rest of the suite, he slid his Sig into his holster.
His attention shifted to the fruit basket on the coffee table. Ben checked the card attached and read the welcome greetings from Casa del Mar’s management.
Returning to the hallway, he held the door to the suite. “Management sent a fruit basket, but I’d prefer you not eat anything from it, Ruth. The basket may be a kind gesture, but I don’t want to take any chances. After you choose a bedroom, we’ll order food. I could do with a meal.”
“Me, too.” Joe rubbed his stomach. “I’d love a cheeseburger and fries.”
Ruth walked to the bedroom on the right, rolling her suitcase behind her, and stepped inside. She returned a moment later. “This suite is amazing, Ben, but it only has two bedrooms. Where will you sleep?”
“On the couch. I want to be on hand if someone breaks into the suite.”
“We’re not safe here?”
“No one will touch you.” Anyone who tried would have to go through him first.
Ruth set her empty plate on the serving cart and looked at Ben. “Is it safe for me to be on the balcony?” After being cooped up for hours in the plane, she wanted some fresh air.
She also needed a few minutes of listening to the waves crash against the shore. She didn’t want to admit to the tough Navy SEAL that she feared the person out to hurt her would injure or kill Ben. She’d never forgive herself if something happened to him. Maybe Ruth should have fired them all and come to Mexico alone anyway. Not that the action would have done her any good. Ben would have followed her to provide protection whether she wanted him to or not and he wouldn’t have had his teammates as backup. At least this way, Shadow would watch his back as well as help with her security.
She should go to bed, but needed a breather before wrestling night terrors or squashing the fear that something bad would happen to the man she was fast falling in love with. Call her a fool, but something about the dark, deadly, and mysterious SEAL had caught her and wouldn’t let go, no matter how often she told herself to walk away to protect herself and her wounded warrior. No, he hadn’t told her his story, but Ruth recognized the symptoms in the stalwart man she adored.
“For tonight, you should be safe enough. Give me a minute and I’ll go with you.”
Of course he’d insist on going with her. Ruth vowed to keep her sojourn on the balcony short. Ben needed to rest. Although he hadn’t admitted as much, Ben hadn’t slept at all on the plane. She could see the lines of fatigue around his eyes and in the way he carried himself.
He sent a text, received a response, then slid his phone away. After a quiet conversation with Sam and Joe, he walked to her side and opened the French door to the balcony.
Immediately, a warm ocean breeze blew strands of her hair across her face. She walked to the railing and gazed at the waves, the rhythm soothing her heart and easing her worry for a heartbeat of time.
For this moment, nothing mattered except the silvery moonlight glittering on the darkened surface of the ocean and the salty breeze caressing her face. Ruth set aside the nagging worry about stalkers and unnamed danger from Ben’s past, shutting out everything else.
A moment later, the French door closed and Ben moved to stand beside her at the railing. He didn’t say anything for long minutes, his body still.
She envied him the ability to remain utterly motionless. Her work required minutes where she did nothing except smile for the camera until she thought her mouth would freeze in that position.
“Sam and Joe went to bed,” he murmured without looking at her. “We won’t be interrupted if you want to talk about what’s happening between us and the ugliness of my past.”
“When you’re ready, Ben. I’ll wait until you are.”
He remained silent for so long, Ruth was sure the operative had accepted her offer of an easy out. Then he shook his head. “No. It’s time for truth between us.” Ben slanted a glance her direction. “You need to know everything so you can make an informed decision about where you want this relationship to go. I won’t have secrets between us that aren’t necessary for my work.”
Sensing he wouldn’t be comfortable disclosing his secret with her watching every emotion bared to her gaze, Ruth nudged him back a step from the railing and moved in front of him, her back to his chest. Immediately, his arms circled her waist as though needing the comfort of holding her while he divulged something horrific. Nothing else would have made Ben so reluctant to tell her the truth.
Ruth kept her gaze on the peaceful vista while she cradled his arms against her stomach and waited for her warrior to find a starting place for his story. Five minutes passed. Ten.
Ben sighed and tightened his hold on her. “My father was a beat cop in Miami, Florida. He and my mother were sweethearts from their first day of middle school and married the day after they graduated from high school. Eighteen years old and so in love that they thought nothing bad could ever happen to them.”
Her heart hurt for them and their son. What tragedy had torn them apart and left a jagged hole inside their strong, brave son?
“Dad worked two jobs while he attended community college. After two years, he graduated with a degree in criminal justice. The next fall he started training at the police academy. Within six months, Dad graduated and hit the streets. Man, he loved his job and my mother was so proud of him for doing his part to keep our city safe. Two years after he graduated from the academy, I came along.”