Page 62 of Shadow Redemption
“You’re late,” Scott snapped. “We’re losing the dawn light.”
“My fault,” Ben said. He held out his hand. “I’m Ben.”
“Scott Barber. I’m Roxanne’s photographer.”
Ruth’s mouth gaped at his blatant attempt to claim her for himself. Even before her imprisonment in Mexico, she didn’t have a personal interest in the photographer. After meeting Ben, no one else interested her, including Scott.
A nod from Ben. “Roxanne told me how talented you are. Your pictures of her are impressive.”
Scott’s lip curled. “She’s kept you a secret.” The photographer’s gaze shifted to Ruth. “Come. You need to dress for the shoot before we lose the light. We have a full slate today.” He frowned at Ben. “Wait here.”
“Not happening.” Ben’s gaze locked on Scott. “Where she goes, I go.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m escorting her to the tent for a wardrobe change and makeup. You aren’t allowed in there.”
Ben turned to her, a silent warning in his eyes.
“I’ll work it out.” She tugged on his hand. “Come on.”
“Wait a minute,” Scott protested. “Who is this guy?”
“Hers,” Ben said.
“What does that mean?”
“We’re dating,” Ruth clarified. Ignoring the shocked expression on Scott’s face, she led Ben to the tent where Xena, the makeup artist, and Delayne, the wardrobe mistress, waited.
“There you are.” Xena waved Ruth into a chair in front of a long table with mirrors attached. “We have to hurry. Scott’s been ranting about your tardiness.”
“Who is this handsome guy?” Delayne asked, eyes gleaming.
“Ben, the man I’m dating.”
The two women exchanged glances. “Do Scott and Rich know about him?” Delayne asked as she selected an outfit from the rack of clothes marked off for Ruth.
“They know,” Ben said, tone mild. The expression in his eyes, however, was anything but mild. That look said he’d staked a claim on her and would fight to keep her.
Ruth submitted to Xena’s ministrations while Ben watched both women. Ruth wanted to assure him Xena and Delayne weren’t a threat to her safety, but he trusted no one except his teammates, his Fortress co-workers, and her.
When Xena finished working her magic, Ruth turned to Delayne. “Will you set up the divider, please?” The screen would allow her to change clothes while Ben remained in the tent.
Delayne’s gaze shifted to Ben. A cat-like smile curved her lips. “Of course. I’ll be happy to entertain your boyfriend while he waits.”
Of course she would. Delayne was always prowling for a new man. She’d be disappointed. Ben wouldn’t look twice at the wardrobe mistress except to assess if she threatened Ruth’s safety.
While Ruth changed clothes, Delayne attempted to have a conversation with Ben. His muffled answers were succinct and frustrated the other woman, evidenced by her glittering eyes and flushed cheeks when Ruth emerged dressed for her first camera session.
Ben held out his hand to her. “Ready?” he asked, cutting off Delayne’s latest comment.
Ruth nodded.
As they walked toward her photographer and agent, Ben murmured, “You look beautiful, but I prefer how you looked before Xena and Delayne’s handiwork.”
She stopped and stared at him. “Are you serious?”
“Dressed like this, you’re Roxanne. I prefer Ruth, the beautiful woman with a heart of gold.” He bent his head and brushed a light kiss over her lips.
“Any day now,” Scott snapped.