Page 7 of Shadow Redemption
Dread coiled like a snake in his gut, waiting to strike. Ben already knew where Maddox was headed with this discussion. He wanted to refuse and walk out, but that would leave Ruth more vulnerable. “How much more?”
“You’re going undercover as her boyfriend.”
And there it was. The one thing he knew was the worst-case scenario for Ruth’s wellbeing. “No.”
Maddox frowned. “You don’t get a vote, Martin. Find a way to make it work. The assignment stands as is.”
He sighed. He’d lost this battle and knew it. That tone of voice brooked no more argument. How would he survive the coming days? More important, how would he protect an innocent like Ruth Monihan from him and his enemies? “You heard her. Ruth has a photoshoot in two days.”
“Then you and your teammates have plans to make. Dismissed.”
Jaw clenched, Ben left the office before his fury and frustration spilled over onto his boss and cost Ben a job he loved, one that kept him sane. Maddox’s assistant tossed him a sympathetic look as she answered an incoming call.
In the hallway, he turned away from the conference room and headed for the breakroom instead. He needed a minute to get himself under control before he joined Ruth.
When he walked into the breakroom, Ben snagged two bottles of water and a banana. Ruth probably hadn’t eaten anything in hours. Since she was working in front of the camera soon, he wouldn’t ply her with fattening food, but he would insist that Ruth eat something.
Before he left the room, he took a minute to shore up his control and stuff the demons of his past behind an impenetrable wall. A temporary fix, but that’s all he had time for. Anything more extensive would have to wait a better time. When that would be was anyone’s guess.
Ben knew exactly what Maddox hoped for. If the stalker wanted Ruth for himself, he’d see Ben as a rival. If he was enraged enough at the challenge to his perceived territory, he’d make a run at Ben. Fine. The sooner that happened, the better for all of them. He was meant for the shadows, not the light. The sooner he crawled back where he belonged, the better for all of them, especially Ruth.
Enough stalling. His teammates would gather in the conference room soon and Ben needed a minute with Ruth before they arrived. He strode to the conference room, nodding to a colleague who greeted him in the hall.
Ruth glanced at Ben when he walked in. Relief and a warm welcome filled her gaze.
That look hit him straight in the heart. Man, this was a disaster in the making. He wasn’t good enough for this woman. “I brought you a snack.”
She smiled. “You’re always feeding me.”
“You need to eat more.”
“Not if I want to keep my job.”
A job he hated. Probably made him a Neanderthal of the lowest order, but he hated knowing men across the world were looking at Ruth and wondering what it would be like to have her for their own.
“I have to return to the comm center,” Zane said and spun his wheelchair toward the door. “I’ll get back to you about the origin of the emails when I come up with anything.”
“Thanks, Z.” Ben closed the door behind his friend and crossed the space that separated him from Ruth in a few long strides. He set the water and banana on the table and turned to her. “We need to talk.”
What little color she had in her cheeks drained away. “What’s happened?”
“Nothing yet.”
Her brows knitted. “You’re not going to act as my bodyguard, are you? I could tell you didn’t want the assignment.” Her voice carried disappointment and worry.
“I’m going to protect you. I don’t trust anyone else to do it.”
“But you don’t want to do it.”
“No, I don’t.”
She started to turn away, her expression revealing her hurt.
He caught her by her upper arms and turned her to face him. “Don’t. It’s not what you think.”
“What’s to misunderstand? You’ve made your feelings clear. You don’t want to be around me.”
“That’s not the issue.”