Page 71 of Shadow Redemption
He slid her a glance, his eyes impossible to read behind his dark sunglasses. “If a credible law enforcement agency can’t put him in prison, what choice do I have? The longer he’s free, more children will be abused and turned into sex slaves. I won’t allow my past to threaten you.”
“This won’t be the last time we’re threatened. Will you kill everyone who is a danger to me?”
“If it’s necessary to keep you safe, I’ll use deadly force. I told you the truth about me. I’m not a nice man, Ruth. I’m an operative. I abide by the law when I can. When I can’t?” He shrugged. “I do what has to be done.”
Ruth swung around to face him, her hand cupping his jaw with a gentle touch. “I know who and what you are. I saw you in action against Hugo and his organization. I haven’t turned a blind eye to the truth. I see you, Ben, the real you. You’re a protector. Because you are, I’m asking you to work within the law if you can.”
“And if I can’t?” He held himself still, tension evident in the lines of his body.
She pressed a soft kiss to his mouth. “I trust you to use your best judgment for what’s necessary in the moment. I’ll never condemn you for protecting me.”
Ben gripped her upper arms and kissed her, long and deep. When he drew back, he drew her into his embrace. “I know I don’t deserve you, but I swear I’ll do everything in my power to be a man you’ll be proud of.”
“I’m already proud of you and especially proud to be yours.”
With Scott yelling at her to get a move on, Ruth eased out of Ben’s embrace and threaded her fingers through his. “Come on. We should go before Scott and Rich have a meltdown.”
He squeezed her fingers and started them toward the scowling men. “Take breaks when you need them, sunshine. Don’t let your agent and photographer set back your progress. If they won’t cooperate, I’ll force them to back off.”
Oh, yeah. Ben Martin was in protection mode.
When they paused near Scott and Rich, Ruth’s agent reached out to touch her. Ben shifted to cut off Rich’s access to her.
Rich scowled. “Isn’t that overkill? I’d never hurt Roxanne.”
“She was just released from the hospital. You can’t blame me for being protective.”
“What happened yesterday?” Scott scanned Ruth from head to foot. “You look healthy.”
“I had an allergic reaction.”
Ben’s phone chimed with an incoming text message. He glanced at the screen, frowning.
Rich and Scott exchanged glances, puzzled looks on their faces. “To what?” Rich demanded. “I didn’t know you had allergies.”
“Strawberries. Somehow, I was exposed to the fruit or juice although I’m not sure how.”
Ben slid his phone into a pocket. “The water in our bottles was contaminated with strawberry juice. The lab found a hole the size of a pinprick in each bottle. Someone jabbed a syringe through the plastic and added strawberry juice to the water.”
“If that’s true, why didn’t she taste it?” Scott asked.
“Wouldn’t take much to spark a reaction when your sensitivity is high.”
Rich snorted. “You’re insane if you think someone deliberately hurt Roxanne.”
“Evidence doesn’t lie. This wasn’t an accident.”
The photographer sighed. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. I worked up a new schedule last night. We’re tight on time today, Roxanne. Go change. The other models will arrive soon, and we have a lot of work to make up because of you.”
Ruth hoped Ben would be patient as the day progressed. Photoshoots were grueling with multiple wardrobe changes and backgrounds. Not only would this be difficult on her, the other models were now under the same time crunch. Everyone would be tired and cranky by the time the last shot was taken.
While Joe and Sam set up nearby with their umbrella, beach chairs, and small cooler, Ben escorted Ruth to the tent. As soon as she entered the air-conditioned space, Xena and Delayne hurried to her, talking over each other to ask questions and express their concern.
“I’ll answer your questions as soon as I change. Scott’s in a hurry to get started.”
Delayne consulted her list and snatched an outfit from the rack of clothes. “Here. Put this on, then we’ll talk.” Her frosty gaze darted to Ben. “I guess you’ll be sticking around.”
He inclined his head, arms folded across his chest.