Page 78 of Shadow Redemption
She waited a beat but Shadow’s leader remained silent. “What did he say?”
“Ben will want to tell you himself,” Joe said. “Before you talk to him, we’ve been discussing dinner. Do you want to eat out or order room service?”
“Eat out if security won’t be a problem.” Her attention shifted to Ben. “Excuse me.”
Ruth dropped her purse on the couch and walked out on the balcony, closing the door behind her. Ben shifted slightly but didn’t turn. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and held him. Ben was a good man who carried a heavy weight on his shoulders.
Their balcony was wreathed in shadows, the weather perfect for a night out. She loved warm nights with a gentle breeze from the ocean. Darkness brought a sense of anonymity. With the crowds in and around Casa del Mar, perhaps she would blend in with other American tourists. Hopefully, the locals would ignore the American models.
Ben turned and gathered her against him. “Thanks,” he murmured after a few moments of silence. “I needed that hug.”
“I’m happy to distribute hugs for the right price.”
His lips edged up. “Yeah? What’s your price? I’m not sure I can afford to pay.”
“You won’t have a problem meeting my price. Kisses. Lots of kisses.”
“I’m in.”
She kissed his jaw. “Trace said Zane called.”
“He tracked down the owner of the vehicle I saw and the person driving the car.”
“They weren’t the same person?”
“The owner is an elderly lady named Maria Gutierrez. The driver is Ernie Gorman from Texas. The last anyone heard, he’d hooked up with a religious cult.”
That explained Ben’s reaction. “He’s associated with Davidson. This doesn’t change anything.”
He frowned. “I’m drawing Davidson and his crew to you.”
“They would have targeted me sooner or later, Ben. The public relations machine is already at work.”
“It’s my job to protect you.”
“You saved my life yesterday, protected me when bullets flew, and prevented me from being hit by a car. You’re doing a great job.”
“I should have you stashed in a safe house while I ferreted out the stalker and Davidson.”
“That’s not an option.” She steeled herself. Ben wouldn’t like her next words. “I have a suggestion.”
Ben looked at her. “Let’s hear it.”
“Since we know the media will play up our romance, let’s use them to spread the news and draw out both the stalker and Davidson.”
He scowled. “I’m not using you as bait.”
“It’s time to put Davidson out of business permanently. We have the perfect opportunity to stop him. He wants you dead because of Silas. He won’t be able to resist using me to draw you out.”
“It’s too dangerous. Baby, you don’t know what he’s capable of. Sleeping with any woman he wants is standard procedure for him. If Davidson gets his hands on you....”
The thought of the prophet touching her made Ruth’s stomach lurch in revulsion. This plan had to work. Ben wouldn’t be able to focus on his missions if Davidson was still a threat the next time he deployed. She could lose him in a heartbeat. No. Just no. “You won’t let him.”
“No matter how well we plan, missions go wrong.” His hold on her tightened. “If we do this, I can’t guarantee your safety. I’m not willing to gamble on those odds.”
“I am. I don’t want the shadow of this man hanging over us.”
“Someone will always be a threat to us.”