Page 86 of Shadow Redemption
“I’m right here,” Ben grumbled.
Joe grinned at Ruth, mischief dancing in his eyes.
Right. Grumpy patient. She sat beside Ben. “You’re proving your teammates right. They told me you’re a terrible patient.”
He scowled. “My back’s on fire.”
“Quit being a baby,” Sam said as she pulled more alcohol swabs from her bag. “I’m going to clean your wound and numb your back.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ben’s gaze locked with Ruth’s as Joe helped Sam roll Ben to his uninjured side. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine except I need a nap.” Side effects of adrenaline dump.
Sam used swab after swab to clean and sanitize Ben’s back, then injected medicine. Throughout the process, Ben didn’t flinch. Tough guy, indeed. “As soon as the lidocaine kicks in, I’ll close the wound.”
“How bad is it?” he asked, not taking his gaze from Ruth’s.
“Your modeling career is over.”
Ben snorted. “Another scratch, huh?”
“More than a scratch this time. You’ll have an impressive scar to add to your collection.”
The light was good enough for Ruth to see scars from previous injuries to his chest, a road map pointing to his hard life and dangerous career.
“One more among dozens means nothing. Will I be mobile?”
“Yes, although you won’t be happy about it.”
“I’ll deal.”
A few minutes later, Sam pinched various places on Ben’s back. “Feel anything?”
“Excellent. Time for me to go to work.”
Sam grabbed a kit from her bag and opened it. The contents made Ruth flinch. Oh, boy. This might be more than her stomach could handle.
“Eyes on mine,” Ben murmured. “This is better than our standard operating procedure, you know.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Normally, we’re evading detection or under fire. This is a walk in the park in comparison.”
That surprised a laugh from Ruth. “If you say so.”
“Have you been to the Nashville Zoo?”
“No, why?”
Ben smiled. “Our next date will be ogling a bunch of furry creatures.”
“What happened to the movie with popcorn and soft drink you promised me?”
“The zoo is world class and has popcorn and soft drinks. I’m sure to earn a few extra kisses at the movie that night after seeing those cute and cuddly animals in natural surroundings.”
Joe snorted. “Remind me to send you a list of never-fail date ideas, Ben. We don’t want Ruth to wise up and dump you for a man with better ideas to woo his woman.”