Page 91 of Shadow Redemption
“How did someone get in here to set this up?” Ruth asked.
“Stole a master key card or bribed a maid.” Ben wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her. “It’s easier than you think. Your room is clear if you want to shower.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll be on the couch.” He dropped a quick kiss onto her mouth. “No heroics, I promise. By the way, does this charity shindig include food?”
“Of course. No self-respecting charity fundraiser is complete without awesome food to thank people for parting with their money.”
“Good to know we won’t starve.” He nudged her toward her room. “Go. Take advantage of your downtime. I’ll be here if you need me.”
As soon as Ruth’s door shut, Ben made his way to the couch and lowered himself to the cushions. Just in time. A couple more minutes on his feet and he might have embarrassed himself by wilting like a flower on a hot day.
“How bad is the pain?” Sam crouched in front of him.
“Enough that I want to puke.”
“I can give you something stronger.”
“Not unless it will wear off by the time the party starts.”
“What about over-the-counter medicine? You can take that along with the other pain medicine without an interaction.”
Ben nodded. “Yeah, I’ll take that.” He didn’t mind grousing at his teammates. Ruth didn’t deserve his attitude. She felt bad over his injury. He didn’t want to stoke her guilt.
A moment later, Sam returned with the caplets and a soft drink. “The carbonation helps the meds dissolve faster.” Once he’d taken the pills, she helped him stretch out. “Rest. After the party, you need to sleep.”
“I’ll sleep better on the jet.” The sooner he whisked Ruth out of here, the better. They were on borrowed time and Ben would rather face down his enemies on home turf than in a land where Fortress had more enemies than friends. “Do me a favor, Joe.”
“Name it.”
“Call Zane. Ask him to pull security footage from the hallway at the time of the fire and the area near the laundry room. I also want the security footage outside the suite. If we’re lucky, we’ll see who added the electronics to our suite.”
“No problem. Sleep, Ben. Sam and I will watch over you and your woman.”
That was the last thing he heard before sleep took him under.
Since she wasn’t due to report for her next modeling job for another two weeks, Ruth filled her plate without guilt although she chose whole foods rather than processed carbs.
She glanced at Ben, relieved he appeared stronger. Sleep gave him a second wind. Of the two of them, she seemed to be the one feeling the worst effects of the long day and short night.
They eased through the crowd to the table where Autumn and her boyfriend sat with Joe and Sam. Nico and Trace stood against a nearby wall, watching the crowd and the doorways. Joe and Sam were also alert and watchful. Ruth prayed the precaution was unnecessary.
She was ready to fly home. Maybe the Fortress jet would be ready to leave before tomorrow morning. Although she’d love a moonlit walk on the beach with Ben, she’d enjoy many beach walks in the years to come.
Tito Monterro was funny and charming and madly in love with Autumn.
“How did you and Tito meet?” Ruth asked her friend.
“Tito served as master of ceremonies for a fashion show in which I was participating. We struck up a conversation after the show and he asked me out for coffee afterward.” Autumn smiled. “That was the first of many dates when we could find time between our jobs. After two months, he invited me to attend one of his games. I had so much fun watching him play baseball. We’ve been shuttling back and forth across the country and even out of the country ever since. What about you and Ben? Is it serious between you two?”
Although he was engaged in conversation with Tito and Joe, Ben’s hand squeezed hers briefly. How on earth did he keep track of her conversation as well as his own? Multitasking must be his superpower.
“I love him.”
Autumn squeezed Ruth’s free hand. “I’m so happy for you. Since I’ve been with Tito, I can’t help but want all my friends to find the love of their lives, too.”