Page 97 of Shadow Redemption
“Oh, yeah,” Ben agreed. The question was whether he or Joe would get their hands on the thug first.
“What do we do with this thing?” Nico motioned toward the vest. “We can’t leave it here.”
“What did you tell the hotel manager?”
“Gas leak. The fire department should arrive any minute. We need to be gone before someone discovers it’s a false alarm.”
Ben secured the vest in his bag. “We’ll take it with us. I can think of a few good uses for this C-4 at the Eden compound.”
“Move out,” Nico said. “Gorman has a head start on us and we still have to recon the compound and come up with a plan to free Ruth.”
“The odds won’t be in our favor,” Ben warned.
“When are the odds ever in our favor?” Nico led them to the exit door and called Trace.
The operatives gathered in the underground garage after retrieving their gear and Ruth’s belongings from their rooms. Ben rode with Nico while Sam and Joe piled in with Trace. As they left the city, Ben called Zane.
“Yeah, Murphy.”
“It’s Ben. Tell me you have her.”
“The trackers are working. You have about five hours before the batteries run out.”
“Where are we headed?”
“Toward Juarez at the moment. From the speed she’s moving, I think Ruth is in a helo.”
Huh. That was new. Davidson was either scoring potfuls of money from his gullible followers or making bank on the prostitution and human trafficking arm of his business.
“Do we have assets in the area, Z?” Nico asked as he passed a slower moving vehicle.
“Maddox diverted Durango. They’ll be on the ground in another hour.”
“Find them an airstrip as close as you can get to Juarez.” Ben’s hands clenched. “We can’t leave Ruth in Davidson’s hands for long. He won’t be able to resist taking her for his newest wife. I can’t let that happen to her.”
Silence greeted his statement, then, “I hope you’re kidding,” the tech wizard said, voice flat.
“It’s his standard operating procedure.”
Zane growled. “I’ll see what I can find. I’ll let you know as soon as Durango lands. I’ve also sent you a link to follow Ruth’s trackers.”
“Thanks, Z. Ruth and I owe you.”
“Bringing her back home safe and sound is thanks enough.”
“Zane, have Maddox contact Rafe Torres. Tell him we need fed involvement yesterday,” Nico said. “Once we clear out the vipers in Eden, a lot of innocent American civilians will need help.”
“Copy that. Later.” Zane ended the call.
“Hurry, Nico.”
His team leader depressed the gas pedal to the floorboard and the SUV shot ahead.
“I’m coming, sunshine.” Ben stared at the blinking cursor indicating Ruth’s position. “Hold on for me.”
Ruth flexed her wrists, hoping for more play in her bonds. Unfortunately, the thugs who kidnapped her from Casa del Mar were experts in restraining prisoners. At least Gorman and his buddy had zip tied her hands in front of her.