Page 99 of Shadow Redemption
The thugs escorted her into the building and led her across a wide-open space to a darkened hallway.
At the end of the hall, light spilled under a door. Gorman knocked on the wooden surface.
A moment later, the door opened. A tall, well-built blond man stared down at her, then glanced over his shoulder. “It’s the woman, sir.”
“Bring her to me.”
Blondie stepped back, and Gorman and his buddy forced Ruth into the interior of a plush office.
A barrel-chested man with graying hair came around a massive desk, his gaze traveling over her body in slow motion. When his attention returned to her face, his expression had undergone a subtle change. Curiosity had morphed into satisfaction and attraction.
Although sickened by his attention, Ruth refused to look away.
“Welcome to Eden, Roxanne,” he said, voice smooth as honey. “I’m the prophet and that is how you will address me. Failure to obey me in everything will result in swift punishment.” Davidson lifted his hand and ran the tip of his forefinger down her cheek. He smiled. “I understand why men wish to possess you. You are exquisite, my dear. A treasure beyond price.”
Davidson trailed his finger down the side of her neck, over her shoulder and down her arm until he lifted her bound hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “Your skin is like silk. I wonder, beautiful Roxanne, how much Barrett loves you. Will he be willing to die for you?”
Cold chills raced up Ruth’s spine. Ben had warned her that the prophet wanted him dead, but she’d hoped he was wrong. If saving her meant giving up his life, Ben would sacrifice himself in a heartbeat. Ruth loved him too much to let that happen.
The prophet smiled, a hideous yet beautiful smile of possession and want. “Soon, my sweet, you will take your place as my wife. We will wait for Barrett’s arrival. He won’t be able to resist trying to free you. He’ll fail, of course. Once he is my prisoner, I’ll take my time exacting retribution for the murder of my son. Your man will beg for mercy long before I free him from this life. He will die knowing you belong to me. When I tire of you, I’ll give you to my inner circle.”
Davidson signaled the two thugs who had kidnapped her. “Take her to the Den and restrain her while we wait for her lover.” He paused, then a slow smile curved his mouth. “Send Maren to attend to her needs.”
Gorman and Buckner glanced at each other before murmuring, “Yes, Prophet,” and leading her from the office. The two men marched her across the compound to another building. Gorman opened the front door and dragged Ruth inside. Buckner turned on the overhead light.
Ruth stared at the chains with manacles hanging from the ceiling with more sets attached to each wall. Whips, knives, and poles were strewn about the large room. In the center stood a stained table with restraints at the four corners. A bloodstained column with more restraints stood at the far side of the room. The concrete floor had drains at strategic places.
This must be the place Davidson sent his disobedient followers for punishment. Ruth clenched her jaw. The prophet intended for her to wait in this place as bait for Ben, a place he planned for her Navy SEAL to die.
“What do we do with her?” Buckner muttered. “The prophet won’t like it if we chain her.”
Ruth glared at the men. “You’re both dead if you hurt me.”
Gorman rolled his eyes. “I’m more afraid of the prophet’s punishment than your boyfriend’s retribution.”
She scanned the room again and understood why the big man hesitated to anger his boss.
“Set the chair on the other side of the table,” Gorman told his partner. “We’ll secure her to that while we wait for Barrett to show.”
After Buckner positioned the chair, Gorman pushed her onto the seat and tied her ankles to the chair legs with zip ties. He grabbed a knife and sliced the plastic tie around her wrists, then secured her wrists to the arms of the chair. He glanced at Buckner. “Bring Maren.”
Minutes passed before the outer door reopened and Buckner returned with his hand clamped around a woman’s upper arm. The woman looked tiny compared to the muscular man, her hair long and graying. Her head bowed, she shuffled along in sandals and a shapeless dress.
Ruth’s heart went out to the woman who looked beaten down by life. Had she been one of Davidson’s wives or was she one of the commune women?
“You are to attend to Roxanne,” Gorman ordered Maren.
She nodded, eyes still downcast.
“I’ll be outside on watch. Buckner will remain.” He turned toward Ruth. “If you try to escape, you and Maren will be punished.”
The older woman’s breath caught.
“You’re a monster,” Ruth said.
Gorman sneered. “You don’t know the meaning of the word, but you will.” He stalked from the room.
Buckner folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall by the door, his attention locked on Ruth and Maren.