Page 12 of SEAL's Promise
“See you soon.” Cal ended the call, switched his phone to vibrate, and slid it into his pocket. He glanced at Eli and gave a short nod.
“Load up,” Eli said. “We have two damsels and a wounded warrior to rescue.”
Eli and Jon consulted with the Texas team leader, Brody Weaver. Seconds later, Eli clapped the other man on the shoulder, then Weaver and his team climbed into the first SUV, heading for the hospital and Eric Hoss.
Jon climbed behind the wheel of the remaining SUV. As he left the airstrip, the Texas team’s jet taxied down the tarmac. Both teams would travel to the US on Wolf Pack’s jet. Considering the strong feelings between Eric and Amy, the team leaders had agreed that flying everyone home together would be best.
The medics would handle Eric’s care until they reached Bayside, Texas where Ted Sorenson, one of the Fortress trauma doctors, would take over. If Eric needed more time in a hospital, Fortress would provide security.
Once word leaked about his feelings for Amy, Eric might find himself reassigned. The Diplomatic Service frowned upon agents falling for their principals.
In the shotgun seat, Eli placed a call to Zane Murphy, the Fortress communications and tech guru. With two teams involved in this operation, Zane was providing technical support for Wolf Pack while another tech assisted Texas.
“Yeah, Murphy.”
“It’s Eli. You’re on speaker with Wolf Pack. What do you have for us?”
“Antigua is still in chaos. Even though the affected area is only five square miles, the whole city is on edge.”
“Any red flags on the Internet?”
“Oh, yeah. Rumors are circulating about the terrorists hunting for two women. Their descriptions match Amy and Rachelle.”
Cal’s gut tightened. “Do they have a lock on them?”
“Not yet. The search is moving closer to their hiding place, though.”
“An hour or less.”
The SUV leapt forward as Jon floored the accelerator.
“Copy,” Eli said. “Notify Sorenson that we’ll be flying into Bayside.”
“Roger that. I’ll monitor Web chatter and contact you if a problem arises.” He ended the call.
“I hope we don’t hear from him,” Jackson muttered.
Rafe snorted. “Unlikely. No mission goes according to plan.”
Eli glanced at Cal. “Keep an eye on Rachelle’s tracker.”
He gave a tight nod and checked the tracking app again. Rachelle hadn’t moved. Hopefully, the terrorists would keep searching in the wrong direction. His hand tightened around the phone, silently willing Jon to drive faster.
His teammate took side roads when they were within the five-mile chaos zone. From one block outside the zone to just inside the boundary, the atmospheric difference was stark. Outside the zone, traffic moved at a brisk pace as citizens hurried to their destinations. Inside, traffic was sparse, as though the zone held its breath, waiting for another terrorist strike.
Eli’s phone signaled an incoming text. He glanced at the screen and made a call, placing it on speaker. “Talk to me.”
“One of our satellites is in position to scan the area where the women are hiding. The terrorists are searching the warehouse district.”
Adrenaline poured into Cal’s bloodstream. “How long?”
“Fifteen minutes, probably less.”
Not long enough if they met resistance.
“We can’t leave the SUV outside the red zone,” Eli said. “We’ll need a fast getaway.”