Page 15 of SEAL's Promise
He flashed her a grin. “Good job.” He activated his mic. “Coming out the corner office window.”
“Wait,” Jon murmured.
While Cal raised the window, Rachelle slipped her pack over her shoulders and stood beside Cal with her back to the wall.
“Amy doesn’t have her ID or visa,” she whispered.
“Zane will take care of the clearance.”
“Go,” Jon said. “Thirty seconds before the warehouse is breached.”
On the other side of the warehouse wall, Eli and Jackson waited to assist the women through the window. Cal turned to Rachelle. “You first.” He lifted her to the ledge. His teammates helped her to the ground.
Rafe helped Amy over the ledge, then followed her through the window opening. Cal brought up the rear.
“Fifteen seconds,” Jon murmured.
Holding Rachelle’s hand, Cal tugged her toward the woods. They’d have to move fast. While operatives were trained to move in silence through any terrain, the women weren’t. Cal didn’t want Rachelle and Amy in the middle of a firefight between Fortress and the terrorists.
“Rafe, Cal, go,” Eli snapped. “Jackson, you’re with me and Jon.”
Weapon in his right hand, Cal ran, urging Rachelle to keep pace. She did her best to follow in his steps.
Rafe ran with Amy’s hand clasped in his about ten feet to their left.
Over the comm system, Eli snapped, “Jon.”
A shot rang out. “One down,” came the sniper’s response. Another shot. “Two down. More incoming.”
Another shot. “Three down,” Jackson said.
“Go. We have room.”
A small buffer. Cal poured on a burst of speed, forcing Rachelle to run faster. Although he hated to push her, an unknown number of gunmen were pursing them. The journey to the jet would be a race against terrorists determined to stop them from lifting off.
Eli said, “Texas has their package and is en route to the jet.”
“Copy that,” he murmured. Now, all Wolf Pack had to do was reach the jet before terrorists caught up with them. Piece of cake.
Rachelle stumbled. Cal righted her, slid his arm around her waist and forced her to keep going.
More gunfire sounded behind them. Shouts from the terrorists, a scream of pain.
“How much farther?” Rachelle gasped.
“A few hundred feet. Can you make it?”
“Watch me.”
He smiled, looking forward to spending time with this spunky woman in the coming days.
Eli’s voice said, “Rafe, take the wheel. We’ll need Jon with a weapon in his hand. Z?”
“Right here.”
“Tell the pilots and Texas we’re coming in hot.”