Page 28 of SEAL's Promise
“Close enough. If trouble comes, we don’t want Sorenson or his family caught in the crosshairs.”
“What about Eric and Amy?” Cal asked.
“They’re coming with us. We’ll split up and take Rachelle to the second safe house once Phantom is in place. Right now, it’s too risky to leave the Texas team without backup.”
While the other operatives gathered their gear, the medics consulted with Sorenson on Eric’s best course of treatment.
Amy stood in the doorway to the treatment room, concern in her eyes. “Why are we leaving? Eric isn’t ready to travel.”
“Someone is hunting for you and Rachelle,” Eli said. “A sizable reward has been offered, and rumors are circulating that the hunters are looking in this area. We need you, Eric, and Rachelle in a defensible location.”
“Isn’t there something else we can do? I’m worried about Eric.”
“The medics are consulting with Sorenson.”
“They’re not doctors.”
Jesse walked up in time to hear Amy’s words. “If Sorenson didn’t think we could handle Eric’s medical care, we’d make other arrangements.”
“The doc wouldn’t pull his punches to spare the feelings of our medics,” Eli said. “His priority is always the patient.”
“What if Eric needs more help than the medics can handle?”
Rachelle squeezed Amy’s hand. “The Fortress teams will make sure he gets it.”
Amy looked at Eli for confirmation.
“If the medics say Eric needs to be in the hospital, we’ll admit him under a false name.”
“I don’t want to cause you trouble, but my first concern is Eric’s health.”
“I understand. Tell Eric we’re leaving in five minutes.” When she hurried off, Eli moved closer to Rachelle. “How are you?”
“A few sore muscles.”
“When we’re airborne, Micah wants to talk to you.”
“I intended to call him anyway.”
When it was time to leave, Sorenson’s assistants helped the medics transport Eric to the SUVs. A fifteen-minute drive later, the caravan came to a halt on the tarmac near the Fortress jet. Once Eli and Jon determined that they were secure for the moment, Eli signaled Cal and Rafe to escort the women to the jet. Within minutes, the jet powered up.
“Do you know where we’re going?” Rachelle asked Cal.
“Maple Valley, Tennessee.”
She blinked. “Why there?”
“It’s near Nashville and advanced medical care for Eric.” He looked at her. “Maple Valley is also close enough for Fortress to send reinforcements if we need them.”
“Is that likely?”
“I hope not.”
“That’s not comforting.”
“Would you rather I lie to you?”
“Never. I’d rather face a problem head-on than be caught unprepared.”