Page 35 of SEAL's Promise
She settled against his side and rested her head against his chest. “I don’t think I can sleep. Too much on my mind.”
“Let your body rest, then. In the military, I learned to sleep in short spurts.”
“You should sleep if you can. I’ll keep watch for you.”
Delighted with her, Cal kissed Rachelle’s temple. “If you need me, wake me.” More content than he’d been in years, Cal closed his eyes.
Minutes later, Eli returned from the bedroom. “New plan,” he announced. “The medics consulted with Sorenson. They don’t think Eric can handle the drive from Nashville to Maple Valley. Maddox will have a helo at the airport to transport Eric, Amy, Jesse, and one other member of Texas. The rest will drive the SUVs. Brody, you and your teammates decide who’s going with Jesse and the helo.”
While the members of Texas discussed the situation, Cal tightened his hold on Rachelle who had fallen asleep in his arms. Good to know she trusted him enough to sleep this close to him. If she knew what he was capable of, she might not be so comfortable with him.
When the pilot announced they were on final approach, Cal rubbed Rachelle’s back to ease her to wakefulness. “Rachelle, wake up.”
His lips curved. She sounded like a content kitten. “We’ll be landing soon.”
She sighed and tilted her head back to smile at him. “Guess I fell asleep. Sorry. Some watch assistant I turned out to be. I didn’t intend to fall asleep on you.”
“I’m not complaining.”
Her gaze drifted to his mouth. “How soon will we arrive in Maple Valley?”
He chuckled. “Not soon enough.”
When the jet stopped on the tarmac, a Fortress physician boarded and hurried to the back bedroom.
“What’s going on?” Concern clouded Rachelle’s eyes as she looked toward the back of the jet.
“The medics don’t think Eric can tolerate the ride to Maple Valley. He, Amy, and two members of Texas will fly up by helicopter. The rest of us will drive.”
“Is Eric worse?”
“He’s holding his own, but Jesse and Jackson feel he’s pushed himself as far as he can without a setback in his recovery.”
Fifteen minutes later, the doctor exited the bedroom. He clapped Eli on the shoulder. “How’s it going, Eli?”
“Not bad.” He inclined his head toward the bedroom. “How’s Eric?”
“On track. He’s exhausted, though. The helo is the best plan to get him out of Nashville and to the safe house.”
“Any instructions for us?”
“Once Eric is at the safe house, don’t move him unless it’s a dire emergency. I’ve given instructions to the medics and the medicines they need for his care. If there’s any change, have the medics call me or Sorenson. You need a game plan for an emergency medical evac.”
“Already done, Doc.”
“Jesse and Jackson are to update me every four hours on Eric’s condition. Let him sleep as much as possible. He needs to stay in bed for a few days. The medics will know when he’s ready to get up. Don’t let Eric decide for himself. He’s as bad as Fortress operatives, already wanting to know how soon he can get moving.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I have a stretcher and two medics with me. We’ll get him ready to transport while you and the others secure the area.”
Eli glanced at his team and said, “Wolf Pack, recon.”
Cal rose along with his teammates. He bent and kissed Rachelle’s cheek. “Stay here until I come back for you.” He turned and looked at Brody, who nodded, acknowledging the silent order to protect Rachelle until Cal returned.
He and his teammates spread out across the tarmac, weapons in hand, as the doctor motioned for the medics to bring the stretcher from the specially-equipped van used for patient transport.