Page 38 of SEAL's Promise
“Backroads.” He named the exit he wanted to take. “The road will give us room to maneuver without endangering others.”
“I’ll pass the word to the others. Follow Rafe and Sawyer. The rest of us will slide between you and the unknown driver.”
“Copy that.” He ended the call.
“How did the terrorists find us?” Rachelle’s fingers tightened around Cal’s. How had the danger followed her home? They couldn’t know she would be in Nashville at this time.
“We don’t know if this driver is a threat. My job is to protect you from anything that might develop into a problem.” He glanced at her. “We’ll handle it. All you have to do is trust me.”
“I can’t be safer than with a Navy SEAL and a homicide detective.”
Satisfaction bloomed on his face. “I won’t let you down.”
“I’m not worried about that, Cal.”
He squeezed her hand. “Good.” Glancing in mirrors again, he returned his hand to the steering wheel.
Ahead of them, two Fortress SUVs took the Ellendale exit. Cal followed suit. A glance behind them told Rachelle that the rest of their entourage had fallen into line behind them. “Will you set a trap for the tail?” she asked.
“Your safety is my priority. I won’t put you at risk.”
The Fortress vehicles followed the winding road through the shadowed countryside. A short time later, Cal’s phone signaled an incoming call.
He tapped the display screen on the dashboard. “Taylor.”
“It’s Logan. The bogey is still on our tail. What do you want us to do?”
Cal’s expression hardened. “Cut him off. I don’t want him near Rachelle. If you can, detain and question the driver. I want answers.”
“Copy that. I’ll pass the word to Brody and Sawyer.”
“I’ll contact the rest of my team.” He ended the call, then contacted Eli.
“I’ll stay on your tail and send Jon to help Texas. If this guy has answers, Jon will get them. Stay alert, Cal. There’s usually a backup plan when an HVT is involved.”
“Yes, sir.” He ended the call. “The next few minutes could be rough.”
“Why are the terrorists so persistent? I’m not an HVT like Amy or her parents. This doesn’t make sense.”
He trailed his fingers down her cheek without taking his gaze from the road. “We’ll find the answers. I won’t rest until I do. Nothing and no one will touch you on my watch.”
Rachelle nuzzled against his palm, reveling in the feel of his calloused skin pressed. When she left for Mexico, she never dreamed she would have this privilege. “Can Eric and Amy be followed to the safe house?”
“Only if someone learned we were using the chopper and placed a tracker on it. I’ll alert Jesse to have the pilot check the helo before they unload Eric and Amy. If they’ve been compromised, the pilot will lift off again and Maddox will come up with another plan while they’re in the air.”
Jesse answered Cal’s call and promised to have the helicopter checked for a tracker.
“How is Eric?” Rachelle asked.
“Sleeping like a baby. With all this traveling, he’ll be sore and grumpy for days. Everything okay on your end, Cal?”
“Don’t know. Looks like we picked up a tail. Your teammates and Jon will corner this guy and find out what he knows.”
A soft whistle came over the sound system. “I’d hate to be on the receiving end of Jon’s interrogation.”
“No kidding. Later.” He ended the call.