Page 51 of SEAL's Promise
“If you knew how hard I fought to break the kiss, you’d toss me out on my ear. My control is razor thin. Your kisses are addictive.”
She pressed a gentle kiss to his throat. “You have definite skills.”
He shivered. “You aren’t helping my control.”
Taking pity on him, Rachelle stepped out of his hold. “Do you have a shift?”
“I’m on shift now. That’s why I was standing in your doorway.” He winked. “And maybe I hoped for a goodnight kiss. Tell me your sizes. I’ll pick up clothes for you after I’m off shift.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier for me to go with you?”
“While I would love your company, I don’t want your face on security cameras. If the person hunting you has computer hackers in his employ, we could give away your general location.”
She told him her sizes. “I’m not picky.”
He dropped a fast, hard kiss on her mouth and put more distance between them. “I need to go while I still can. I’ll leave your door open. If you need something or can’t sleep, come find me.”
“Will you tell me when you leave?”
“If you want me to.”
“I want to know.” She worried about his safety. Although he could protect himself, Cal wasn’t invincible. The person after her might have a hacker scanning for the faces of the men who rescued her from Antigua.
“All right.” Another hard kiss. “I have to get out of here before I can’t leave you at all,” he muttered. “I’ll be close if you need me, Rachelle.” He strode from the room without looking back.
Jon turned from the window as Cal descended the stairs. “How is she?”
“Better.” He scowled at his friend. “You could have been more diplomatic delivering the bad news to her.”
“That’s Eli’s department, not mine. I don’t do smooth.”
“You wouldn’t have won Dana’s heart if you didn’t have some gentleness inside you.”
“Only for my wife and daughter.”
Jon could tell himself and anyone else that. Cal knew better. His teammate had a soft spot for women and children, especially those from abusive situations. “Thanks for covering for me. I’ll take the watch. Get some sleep.”
A nod. “Eli’s in the kitchen brewing coffee.”
Cal flinched. “Thanks for the warning.” That brought a snort from Jon as he left the room.
Cal headed for the kitchen. Although fumes from Eli’s coffee could peel paint off walls, the caffeine-laden drink would keep him awake during his shift.
Eli turned when Cal walked in. He inclined his head toward the mug filled with steaming liquid. “I’ll keep us supplied during our shift.”
Great. His disdain for Eli’s coffee-making skills must have shown on his face because his teammate rolled his eyes.
“Suck it up, Buttercup. My coffee’s not that bad.”
“Ha. Your coffee’s lethal.”
“Aww. Now you’ve hurt my feelings.” He sipped from his own mug. “Jon’s coffee is worse. The fumes alone will kill you.”
True. “Doesn’t make yours any easier to swallow.”