Page 64 of SEAL's Promise
“I don’t know, but I’ll find out.”
Rachelle sat near the back of the jet, dread knotting her stomach. With luck, she and Wolf Pack would return to Maple Valley tonight. If not, the power brokers in Washington, D.C. would finish grilling her about the terrorist attack tomorrow.
Cal covered her hand with his. “Everything will be all right, Rachelle.”
Why did she feel as though disaster loomed in the offing? “I don’t want to do this.”
“I understand. Once we’re in the air, I arranged a counseling session for you.”
Oh, joy. She wrinkled her nose. “Do you think it will help?”
“The first time discussing a traumatic incident is the hardest. Talking to the counselor will prepare you for the State Department interview.”
“Thanks for arranging the session.”
He smiled. “Even though you don’t want it?”
“You and the other operatives must know the benefit of Brent’s recommended counseling services.”
A snort. “Recommended? Try ordered. If we don’t comply, he pulls us off active duty until we do.”
“Good thing Micah’s my direct supervisor. He’s not hard-nosed.”
“Who do you think ordered me to have you talk to the counselor before we land in D.C. or he’d have my hide?”
She stared. “I thought the session was your idea.”
Cal squeezed her hand. “I should have insisted you talk to the counselor yesterday. I chose to give you a break from reality. Winter accused me of going soft.”
She grinned at the disgust in his voice. “Got you where it hurt, didn’t he?”
“He’s a regular marshmallow.” Eli laughed at the glare Cal sent his way. “If he’s not careful, Brent and Micah will have a roasting party with Cal as the guest of honor.”
Cal flinched. “Shut up, Wolfe, or I’ll sic Brenna on you.”
His team leader waggled his index finger. “Not nice, Taylor. Remember, I have someone as tough as Brenna to make you toe the line.” He motioned to Rachelle.
Her? Tough? She felt like a scared child at the prospect of answering questions by politicians with more money than sense. What if they wanted information Fortress preferred she didn’t share? She wanted to protect Wolf Pack and Texas, but if doing so required lying to the feds, the teams were in trouble. The people interviewing her would know if she lied. She was a terrible liar.
Rachelle concentrated on the feel of Cal’s hand on hers. She had time before the interview at the Truman Building. Cal and the others would help her prepare for the interview. If the Washington bureaucrats threatened to throw her in jail, Fortress lawyers chewed up and spit out politicians like them every day.
“You okay?” Cal asked, his voice low.
“I will be.”
Once the jet leveled, Cal pulled Rachelle to her feet. “Come on. I want you to have as much time as you need with the counselor.”
He chuckled. “Hold back your enthusiasm.”
“Would you be enthusiastic in my shoes?”
Cal led her into the bedroom and shut the door. “I have been, more than once. I remind myself It’s short-term discomfort for long-term payoff.”
“Does that work?”