Page 67 of SEAL's Promise
Under cover of the table, Cal tightened his hold on her hand in silent reminder of his earlier warning not to accept food or drink from anyone.
She smiled. “Thank you for the offer, but I don’t need anything.”
“If you change your mind, let me know.” Meyer sat back. “Now, let’s begin. Mr. Garner’s family deserves answers.”
An invisible band tightened around Rachelle’s heart. She couldn’t imagine the pain Tim’s family was going through.
“Tell us what happened in Antigua.”
Rachelle recounted the events, starting with the terrorist attack on the hotel. She talked about the escape to and from the hospital.
Caldwell scowled. “Why would you leave a place of safety and her security team, then strike out on your own? It was foolish.”
“When Tim realized the terrorists were attacking the hospital, his first concern was protecting Amy and his wounded partner.”
“Why didn’t you stay with Amy’s security detail?”
“Tim told me to run and take Amy to safety.”
Benson slapped the table, making Rachelle jump. “That doesn’t make sense. Why would he send you into the streets with the ambassador’s daughter rather than stay where he could protect her?”
“I don’t know.”
He folded his arms across his chest. “Guess, Ms. Carter.”
“He wanted Amy to be safe and to draw the terrorists away from his injured partner.”
Benson snorted. “A pretty story.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“No, lady, I don’t.”
Cal, who’d been silent to this point, stirred. “That’s enough, Benson.”
“My friend is dead because of her.”
“Explain that.”
“She’s lying about what happened.”
“You have a different explanation?”
“Ms. Carter panicked and ran. Afraid for her, Amy followed. Tim couldn’t protect his partner and the women, so he chose to protect Agent Hoss.” He flipped open a manila folder and slid a photograph across the table to Rachelle. “Tim took a bullet to the head to protect you.”
Rachelle caught a glimpse of Tim’s face with a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead before Cal tossed the picture back at Benson. She clamped a hand over her mouth, nausea bubbling in her stomach.
Cal shoved away from the table. “We’re finished. Other questions will be handled by video chat.” While the men cursed and protested his decision, he rushed Rachelle from the conference room.
Ignoring the shouts, Cal escorted her to the women’s bathroom and stationed himself outside the door, seething at the underhanded tactics used by the men. He should have known better than to trust feds to keep their word.
The person who signed off on assigning two people to Amy’s security detail had contributed to Tim Garner’s death. As an HVT, Amy had needed more security. Some of the areas she and Rachelle visited were hazardous for American diplomats and their families. The State Department gambled and lost one of their own as a result of their decision.
The sound of someone running toward him made Cal shift to stand directly in front of the bathroom door to block access to Rachelle.
Meyer hurried down the hall, slowing when he saw Cal. He straightened his jacket and drew in a breath. “Is Ms. Carter all right?”