Page 71 of SEAL's Promise
Cal exited the vehicle and assisted Rachelle to the pavement. Jackson fell into step on the other side of her as they walked toward the hotel lobby.
Inside, Eli handed Cal a key card. “Room 5638. Jackson, you’re with them. The rest of us will occupy the other two rooms.”
An elevator ride later, Cal unlocked the suite door and ushered Rachelle inside. “Wait here.” He grabbed his signal tracker and swept both bedrooms, bathrooms, and the living room. The chaser lights remained green.
He returned to the living room. “All clear.” Cal carried Rachelle’s bag into her room. “I’ll find a vending machine.”
“Thank you, Cal.” Rachelle brushed her lips over his. “For everything.”
He trailed the backs of his fingers down her cheek before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
Jackson turned from the sliding glass door. “She okay?”
“She needs a soft drink.”
“I’ll find something. For some reason, that otherwise intelligent woman prefers comfort from you.” The medic gave an exaggerated sigh. “And here I thought the lady had better taste than that.” With a grin, he left the suite.
Cal’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen. Finally. “What do you have for me, Blake?”
“Nothing good.” His friend’s voice was hushed.
“Do you have a name?”
“Couldn’t narrow it down to one.” Blake’s breathing roughened. “I have to go. I think someone’s following me.”
“Wait. When is it safe to contact you?”
“After I leave work,” he hissed. “Text me your location, and I’ll meet you.”
“Not happening. It’s too risky for Rachelle. Choose a place. I’ll come to you.”
“You don’t trust me around your principal?”
“I don’t trust anyone in this town. Someone hung a target on my woman’s back.”
A muttered curse, then, “I’ll ditch the tail and contact you.”
Cal frowned as he slid the phone into his pocket. Blake used to be one of the best on the Teams at ferreting out information. He hoped his friend hadn’t made a mistake. The person after Rachelle wasn’t fooling around. If he didn’t balk at taking on a black ops team, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill one former SEAL who tipped his hand.
Cal turned as Rachelle’s bedroom door opened. His heart skipped a beat. Man, she was beautiful inside and out.
She glanced around. “Where’s Jackson?”
“Looking for a vending machine.” He embraced her. “I asked a friend for information. He called a minute ago.”
“He uncovered something, but got spooked and refused to talk on the phone. He wants to meet later.”
She studied him a moment. “You’re worried.”
He tightened his hold on her. “He picked up a tail which means he might have tipped someone off while he nosed around.”
“Can Fortress protect him?”
“He won’t take the offer.”