Page 81 of SEAL's Promise
He shut the door and came around to the driver’s side. Once Jackson slid into the backseat with his mike bag, Cal cranked the engine and drove away from Blake’s home.
As they drove through the dark night, Rachelle thought over what they’d learned from Blake and what they hadn’t. Who was the Falcon? Try as she might, she didn’t remember anyone mentioning a person named Falcon while she was in Mexico. Was he the leader of the terrorists who attacked the hotel and killed Tim Garner? Why did he want her dead, and how far would he go to achieve his goal?
After escorting Rachelle to her bedroom in the suite, Cal fed his newest addiction for a few minutes. Rachelle’s taste sent him back for a kiss again and again, tilting his head until he found the perfect fit, his tongue gliding against hers in a gentle dance that stoked the flames of his need for her.
Aware of time slipping away and Rachelle’s need for rest before another grueling interview with Meyer, Cal eased his mouth from hers, already mourning the loss of her taste and the feel of her lips against his. “I have to stop while I still can,” he murmured. Another kiss. “Stopping might kill me, though.”
Her kiss-swollen lips curved. “Same for me. Rain check?”
He trailed his fingers down her cheek. “Anytime.” Cal stepped away from her, using every ounce of self-control he had left. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
He left the room. If he glanced back, his control would turn into mist.
Cal made a pot of coffee and consumed half a mug before he could draw a full breath and focus. Rachelle Carter torpedoed his concentration. He glanced toward her closed door, longing for more sizzling kisses.
His phone chirped with an incoming message. As he read the text, satisfaction filled him. Excellent. Eli had arranged for McCord and another former Special Forces soldier who worked for the D.C. police to be assigned to Sims’ protection detail.
Cal sent Zane a text, asking the tech wizard to contact him as soon as he arrived at Fortress. Zane was his best hope of discovering Falcon’s identity.
A minute later, his phone rang. Cal glanced at the screen and winced. “Sorry, Z. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No problem. What do you need?”
He summarized what they’d learned from Blake. “I need to know who Falcon is. According to Blake, this guy won’t stop gunning for Rachelle until she’s dead.”
“We’ll smoke him out before he accomplishes his goal. I’ll let you know as soon as I have anything.”
“Thanks. Has Bridget made progress?”
“She’s digging through layers of multiple shell corporations. The trail is nearly nonexistent so it takes time.”
Time Rachelle might not have. “I understand, but Rachelle’s life is on the line. I can’t lose her, Z.”
Silence, then, “Like that, is it?”
A short laugh. “Definitely. Good for you. She’s a good woman. Don’t forget what I told you earlier.”
“Yeah, yeah. If I hurt her, you’ll take me down yourself.” Despite being in a wheelchair, Zane Murphy was still as much of a SEAL as the rest of them, and he would do as he’d threatened.
“Don’t hassle Bridget. She’s working hard to track down the information for you. If you need a contact person, come to me.”
His eyebrows rose. “Yes, sir.”
“Sorry. Two operatives are giving her grief for not moving fast enough on their searches.”
“I’m surprised her husband doesn’t have them in his rifle scope.”
“He and his team are out of the country at the moment.”
“Give me their names. I’ll pay them a visit the next time I’m in town.”
“Ha. Never mind, buddy. I’ll take care of them myself by the end of the day.”
Oh, boy. That set down would make the gossip circuit at Fortress pretty fast. “If you need backup, let me know.”