Page 98 of SEAL's Promise
“My woman’s life is on the line. I believe the man wearing your tattoo is involved with attempts to kill my girlfriend. I need his name.”
“Are you playing me?”
“As one SEAL to another, I’m telling you the truth.”
“I don’t know, Cal.”
“You owe me.”
“Aww, man. Are you serious?”
“Try me.”
Artie blew out a breath. “Your girl means that much to you?”
Cal glanced over his shoulder at Rachelle. “She’s everything.”
“We’re square after this, right?”
“Yeah, buddy. We’re square. I need a name.”
“Don Hale. He’s some bigwig in D.C.”
He froze. “Are you telling me the Under Secretary of State is wearing that tattoo?”
“Yep. Fine piece of craftsmanship.”
“Yeah, it’s a work of art, buddy. I should have recognized your handiwork.”
“I gotta get back to work. Got customers waiting. Need anything else?”
“No. Thanks, Artie. You might have saved my girlfriend’s life.”
“I don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, Cal, but watch your back. Crossing Hale isn’t healthy. He don’t mind throwing his weight or money around.”
“Thanks for the warning.” He ended the call, gritting his teeth. Brent wouldn’t be pleased when he learned the truth. He should abort Shadow’s mission. No need to risk Nico and his team.
Since Rachelle was still engrossed in her conversation with Amy, Cal walked outside and called Brent.
“We have a problem.”
A snort. “What else is new? Talk to me.”
“I know the identity of the man with the tattoo.”
“How? Eli sent the pictures to my email. You can’t see Falcon’s face.”
“I called a SEAL teammate who is a tattoo artist. Turns out he’s the one who designed the tattoo, and he’s only used the design twice. Once on a man, once on a woman.”
“Definitely not a woman in that picture. What’s his name?”
“Don Hale.”
“Under Secretary of State Don Hale?”
“The same.”