Page 12 of Security Breach
“Not so far. An unfortunate diversion may have helped us escape notice for the moment.”
“What diversion?”
“Long story. See you soon.” He glanced at Emma to find her watching him with heavy-lidded eyes. “Have a good nap?”
“I did. I’m surprised. I haven’t slept well since….”
Since her family was murdered, he guessed. No surprise. She hadn’t felt safe a day since then with a serial killer searching for her. To distract Emma, he lifted their clasped hands and kissed the back of hers. “I’ll take credit for providing the road noise and smooth ride to help you sleep.”
“You’re the reason I could rest. I feel safe with you.”
“I’m glad. We’re about 20 miles from the Rocking M.”
“I can’t believe the Butcher hasn’t tried to stop us yet.”
“Like I told Elliot, we might have escaped detection for the moment, but the reprieve won’t last long.”
“How long do we have?”
“If we’re lucky, a couple of days.” As soon as the Butcher learned Emma wasn’t in the car, he’d resume his search. The first place he’d look was Maple Valley. David needed to have his plans in place before the serial killer came looking for her.
When he guided the SUV around a bend in the road near the five-mile mark, David spotted his brothers in one of the department SUVs. As he passed them, he noted the shocked expression on both of their faces when they saw Emma in the passenger seat.
The next few minutes would be interesting to say the least. David also needed questions answered regarding the night Emma’s family was killed and how she’d escaped the same fate. That conversation would be difficult for them both. While she relived the death of her family, he’d come face-to-face with how close his girlfriend came to dying while he was in the Sandbox of the Middle East.
He still thought of Emma as his girlfriend, but was she? To this point, they’d only established that each of them hadn’t dated anyone else, but that didn’t mean she was wanted to continue their exclusive dating relationship. On this side of a long separation, she might have changed her mind about him or about them as a couple.
David drew in a deep breath. That was a discussion for a time when they were in a secure location and alone. He loved his brothers, but not enough to bare his soul in front of them.
Dragging his mind back on task, David pushed the SUV’s speed higher, wanting Emma inside the safety of the ranch house. Even though his ride was reinforced along with bullet-resistant glass, he preferred to have a safe room close at hand because trouble was coming. The arrival time was the only question.
When the ranch came into view, two ranch hands saw the vehicles approaching and hurried to open the gate. David slowed just enough to make the turn into the driveway and sped toward the house. He skidded to a stop and shut off the engine. “Wait for me.”
He exited the vehicle and circled around the front to the passenger-side door, scanning the area as he moved into position. After his brothers were in place on either side of him, David helped Emma to the ground, tucked her against his side, and rushed her toward the porch.
Mrs. Grady opened the front door opened and waved them inside. Once the four of them cleared the threshold, she closed and locked the door. “Emma! Oh, we’ve missed you so much. Welcome home, child.” She enfolded Emma in a hug.
When the housekeeper pulled back, she scanned Emma from head to toe, concern growing in her eyes. “You’ve lost weight, dear.”
Emma smiled. “I missed you and your cooking, Mrs. G.”
“That’s easy to fix, then. We’ll get you back to your fighting weight before you know it. Now, are you hungry?”
Emma winced. “Not really.”
Mrs. Grady studied her a moment, then said, “I have just the thing for you.” Her gaze swept over the three Montgomery brothers. “Come back to the kitchen. I have fresh coffee for you boys.” She wrapped her arm around Emma’s shoulders and led her away, leaving David, Caleb, and Elliot to trail after the women.
In the kitchen, she nudged Emma toward the table. “Have a seat, dear. After I pour coffee for David and the others, I’ll get you fixed up.”
“I’ll get the coffee, Mrs. Grady.” Caleb bussed her cheek. “Take care of Emma.”
David sat beside Emma and took her hand again.
Elliot sat across from them, his intense gaze locked on Emma. “It’s good to see you, Emma.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Where have you been?”
“Several places. The last town was Rock Harbor, Kentucky.”
A scowl grew on Elliot’s face. “You were traveling for fun? Come on, Emma. We all thought you were dead. Eighteen months with no word from you? I never knew you could be a self-centered witch.”