Page 15 of Security Breach
“Only your tears bother me.”
“Because you matter to me. You always have.” He bent his head and kissed her. “We need to talk, but now is not the time. We’re both tired, and I know from experience that speaking of real-life nightmares brings on the kind that invade your sleep. Rest for a while. Elliot and Caleb have the watch. I’ll be on the couch in the next room. You’re safe, Emma. We’ll talk after you wake.”
Safe. Such a beautiful word, but the reality was a mist. Experience was a hard teacher, but she’d learned her lesson well. While she might not sleep, David needed to. “I’ll be fine. Go. Sleep.”
After a long look at her, David gave a short nod and went to the sitting room. Emma toed off her shoes and stretched out on the bed, not holding out much hope of actually sleeping. Too many fears, what-ifs, and worry filled her mind.
She spread a blanket over herself and closed her eyes. She’d rest a few minutes to ensure David was out, then go to the kitchen to help Mrs. Grady with dinner preparations.
When Emma woke sometime later and glanced at the clock, her eyes widened. Good grief. She’d been asleep for four hours, more than she averaged each night. Perhaps David was right. All she’d needed to rest was the assurance of safety.
No. The truth was that she needed David to feel safe enough to rest. What would she do if she had to go back into hiding? He couldn’t go with her.
Shoving that worry aside, Emma sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Hopefully, David was still asleep. Deciding to peek in on him, she slipped on her shoes and walked to the sitting room. The sofa was empty.
Dismay coiled in her gut. Did he sleep at all? She wouldn’t be surprised to learn he’d waited for her to fall asleep, then resumed his bodyguard duties. He had always taken care of her first no matter the cost to himself.
She walked downstairs toward the kitchen. The murmur of male voices made her pause. Was it the Montgomery brothers or a few ranch hands? The hands were in and out of the kitchen at various times throughout the day. Although the killer would find her eventually, Emma didn’t want to make his job easier by appearing in public.
She eased closer and listened. David, Caleb, and Elliot. Breathing easier, she walked into the kitchen. Conversation ceased.
David came to her and cupped her cheek. “Feel better?” he murmured.
She nodded. “Did you sleep at all?”
Her eyes narrowed. What did that mean? “David.”
“I’m fine, Em.”
“Are you hungry, dear?” Mrs. Grady asked her. “I have chicken salad and croissants, or I can make something else if you prefer.”
She hugged the housekeeper. “Chicken salad sounds great. Thanks, Mrs. Grady.”
“Iced tea all right?”
“Yes, ma’am. I can fix my lunch. You don’t need to go to any trouble for me.”
“Have a seat, dear.” She waved her toward the table. “Preparing your plate will only take a minute.”
David seated Emma, something that she’d missed over these long months. The Montgomery boys knew how to treat their women. She’s been honored to count herself among that small, privileged number. Did David still place her in that elite category?
A moment later, Mrs. Grady set a plate in front of Emma that also contained a small bowl of fruit salad.
The housekeeper eyed Caleb and Elliot. “Don’t you boys have something else to do?”
Caleb grinned. “Trying to get rid of us?”
“Yes. I think David and Emma need some time to themselves.”
The two men placed their dishes in the dishwasher and made themselves scarce without argument. Emma knew they wouldn’t be far away.
Mrs. Grady retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator and walked toward the back door. “I feel a need to work in my garden for the next hour or so.” She closed the door behind herself.
Emma’s lips curved. “Wow. I can clear a room in no time.”