Page 24 of Security Breach
“Three days. The FBI wanted to move me sooner, but the doctor wouldn’t release me. While I was there, Jordan assigned two agents for guard duty, one in my room and one in the hall.”
He’d have done the same in Jordan’s place. If David had been stateside, he would have been in the room with Emma.
“Having an agent inside my room was uncomfortable. I had trouble sleeping and woke up screaming more than once.”
Oh, man. “Nightmares or memories?”
“Both, I think. I repeatedly dreamed that a man dressed in black was coming for me, but his face was always in shadow.”
“You said the killer had a tattoo.”
“The design was on his forearm. I’ve tried to remember what it was, but I can’t. It’s a blank. I just know he had one.”
“They’re pretty common. Many people have body art these days.”
“Do you?”
He snorted. “Are you kidding? Mrs. G would have my hide.”
“A lot of military personnel have them.”
“Wearing a tattoo wouldn’t have been wise while I was on the Teams. A tattoo could have identified me as American, and we spent a lot of time in countries that didn’t appreciate American efforts to fight terrorism.”
“After you left the military, you came home.”
“Where Mrs. G waited for me. I didn’t want to upset her, and you know I’m not a fan of needles.” He threaded the fingers of one hand through her hair. “I also didn’t know if you liked tattoos. I respected your opinion enough to ask before I did something that couldn’t be undone.”
“I’m a blessed woman.”
David kissed her temple. “I’m the most blessed man on the planet to have you in my life. Did the man who attacked you say anything?”
Emma hesitated. “He did, but I couldn’t focus. I can almost hear his words when I dream about the attack.”
“Your brain is trying to untangle the garbled words. Pushing to remember won’t help.”
She sighed. “Easy for you to say. You don’t know how frustrating this is. I want to help Agent Jordan so I can get my life back.”
“We’ll help Jordan find the killer.” He grimaced.
Emma laughed. “Bet that hurt, didn’t it?”
“You have no idea. Special Agent in Charge Craig Jordan is my least favorite fed.”
At that moment, Caleb called out from the doorway, “David, you in here?”
“What do you need?”
“We have a problem.”
Emma straightened. Caleb’s voice indicated a serious issue. Was the problem related to David’s job as sheriff or her stalker?
David stood and tugged Emma to her feet. They walked hand-in-hand to the door.
Caleb’s eyebrows soared when he saw their clasped hands. David’s brother wouldn’t be the only person to express surprise when that she and David still felt the same about each other.
In truth, her feelings were stronger and prayed the serial killer wouldn’t be the cause of another separation. Emma didn’t want to be apart from David again.