Page 26 of Security Breach
Finally, David returned, his expression grim.
Emma jumped to her feet. “Is there a bomb?”
“Come with me.” He held out his hand and led her to the kitchen table. His brothers had similar expressions on their faces.
David wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Don’t touch anything. Although I doubt we’ll find prints, we’ll check anyway.”
She glanced at the contents scattered on the table. No wires, cell phone, dynamite or other material a bomber might use. Only photos and a note typed in large font on plain white paper.
“Read the note first, then we’ll examine the photos together.” David seated her, then sat in the chair beside hers.
With a gloved hand, Elliot nudged the note toward her. Emma read the short message, her eyes widening. “I’m coming for you, little mouse. You won’t escape,” she read aloud. “Not very original, is he?”
“Does the name ‘little mouse’ mean anything to you?” David asked.
“It’s an insult.”
“Calling you ‘little mouse’ is a reminder that he’s the hunter and you’re his prey,” Elliot said.
“I prefer my explanation.”
A spark of humor lit his eyes. “I don’t see you as a mouse, Emma. You’re a survivor. Kudos to you for that.”
He nodded and slid the note into a plastic bag to protect it.
“Photos next, Em.” David motioned to the first of four photos Caleb pushed toward her.
Emma clamped a hand over her mouth, shock and a hefty dose of fear rolling through her body. How had the killer slipped into her bedroom while she slept or took a picture without her being aware of it? She’d followed the Marshals’ rules and kept the curtains closed at the safe houses.
“Where was this taken?” David prompted.
“My first safe house. I recognize the lamp on the nightstand.” She turned to David. “How did he get this picture? The marshals were with me, and I didn’t open the curtains.”
“What about the next picture?”
“The second safe house. I hated that wall clock. The constant ticking noise drove me crazy and made it almost impossible to fall asleep every night. I took the clock down a few days before the marshals moved me.”
“And the third?”
“Every photo was taken at a different safe house. I don’t understand, David. He found me and took pictures of me sleeping. Why didn’t he kill me?” Emma shuddered again.
He drew her against his side. “An excellent question I intend to ask Jordan.”
She stared at the photos again. “If the killer wanted to toy with me, why didn’t he send me the pictures in the mail at the safe houses? I was with the marshals at the first house. After that, they gave me new identities and took me to the new place overnight. They were careful not to be followed.”
“Not careful enough,” Elliot said. He inclined his head toward the photos. “There’s the evidence.”
David frowned, but didn’t dispute his brother’s comment. “Bag and tag the evidence. I want these processed as soon as possible.”
Caleb’s lips curved. “Before we turn it over to Jordan?”
“Of course.”
“He won’t be happy.”
“Do I look like I care?’