Page 44 of Security Breach
“I saw Agent Wells on the monitor. What’s going on?”
“He wanted to be sure you were safe.”
“You don’t believe him?”
“I don’t think your safety is his only motive.”
“What else is troubling you?”
“Someone planted an electronic bug in the kitchen.”
Mrs. Grady gasped. “Oh, no. When did that happen?”
“Not sure.” But he had a good idea.
“What does that mean for us?” Emma asked.
“We move sooner than I wanted. How quickly can you be ready to leave?”
“As soon as I change clothes. I packed them in the duffel bag Mrs. Grady brought me.” She gave a wry smile. “I learned to stay packed and ready while in WITSEC.”
“Excellent. We need to be careful what we say since Wolf Pack is still searching the house for more listening devices.”
He led Emma from the safe room to the suite. “Go change,” he whispered against her ear and nudged her toward the room.
While he waited, David checked with Elliot and Caleb by text. His tension subsided when they assured him no one else had triggered an alarm and the cameras at the farthest edges of the perimeter revealed nothing out of the ordinary. Didn’t prevent an ambush away from the perimeter.
Emma returned with her duffel bag in hand. She’d dressed in running shoes, black jeans, and a long-sleeved black t-shirt. Perfect in case she needed to run.
David hated that Emma had to run again. This time, however, she wasn’t alone. He would protect her, no matter the cost to himself.
Emma looked down at herself when David’s gaze drifted over her. Had she chosen the wrong clothes? “Is what I’m wearing all right?”
He walked to her. “It’s perfect. Your beauty blows me away, Emma.” He took her bag. “I’m sorry.”
Running from danger had become a way of life in recent months. At least she wasn’t alone this time.
The possibility of a listening device in her suite made Emma shudder. Though this house had been her safe haven for years, she couldn’t wait to see the Rocking M in the rearview mirror.
David held out his hand. “Let’s go downstairs.” They went to the security room where Elliot and Caleb watched the monitors.
“You okay, Emma?” Elliot asked.
She nodded. Sure, she was scared, but the only thing that mattered to her was protecting David and his brothers from the Butcher. Perhaps she should have stayed in hiding. If she had, the Montgomery brothers wouldn’t now be in the crosshairs of a killer. “Thanks for asking.”
“You’re important to us,” Caleb said. “We just got you back. Losing you to the feds or a killer isn’t on the approved agenda.”
That surprised a laugh out of her. “Good to know. It’s not on my agenda, either.”
Elliot frowned at David who responded with a hand signal.
David hadn’t told her everything. When they were alone, she would ask what he left out.
She studied the setup in the room, impressed with the number of cameras placed around the Rocking M. “This is amazing,” she murmured. “I’m not surprised you saw Agent Wells approaching the house with all the angles covered by your cameras.”
Elliot broke away from his stare down with David and gave her a slight smile. “Wells is lucky he’s not full of holes. Wolf Pack had him in their sights, and he was an unknown threat.”