Page 78 of Security Breach
“No scoop.” David scowled. “When I asked about his role, Jordan said he wasn’t involved and ended the call.”
Cal snorted. “And, of course, you’re supposed to take his word on that.”
“But we saw him on the security photo.” Emma turned to David. “How did Agent Jordan explain that?”
“He doesn’t know I have photos from the safe houses.” He looked at Jon. “Are the security cam photos good enough to run through facial recognition systems?”
He nodded. “Can’t guarantee we’ll get a hit based on what we have, though.”
“Does Fortress have a facial recognition system?”
“Zane designed one for us.” A pointed look. “The system isn’t connected to law enforcement in any way.”
“Excellent. Run the photos. The FBI has a leak, and I don’t want to alert the wrong people. If the Hunt Club goes underground, Emma will continue to be at risk until we smoke them out and take them down.”
Those hunting teams would be like snakes in the grass, lying in wait to strike when he least expected. Unless David captured them all, Emma would never be safe.
While they waited for David’s brothers to arrive, Emma discovered her concentration was too fractured to knit. She walked to the refrigerator and peered inside, needing to do something to distance herself from the nightmare of her past. How could she have stumbled into a sick game to hunt people? What attracted the men to her family?
With a cabin soon to be full of hungry cops and operatives, the most useful thing she could do for them and herself was to prepare dinner.
Pushing her worries to the back of her mind, Emma perused the supplies available in the refrigerator, then walked to the pantry. After taking stock she decided on spaghetti and a salad. The kitchen had enough food to withstand a siege.
She gathered the ingredients for spaghetti sauce and set them on the counter. After locating a large pan, she added chopped onion and green pepper to the hamburger meat, and turned on the burner.
“What are you making?” David asked. He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist and planted a kiss on the side of her neck, sending a shiver of delight through her.
“Spaghetti. I hope that’s all right with everyone.”
His arms tightened. “Please tell me this is your recipe.”
She laughed and turned her head to press a kiss to his jaw. “Of course. You requested my spaghetti every time you came home on leave. I thought you might like that choice.”
“I don’t know about the rest of this bunch, but I’m looking forward to dinner. Your cooking is one of the many things I missed while you were gone.”
Emma smiled as she stirred the mixture in the pan. “Would you like brownies? I think I have the ingredients to make them.”
“I’d love a brownie if you don’t mind the work.” David turned her to face him. “You don’t have to cook meals for this motley crowd, Emma. We can take turns or pick up something.”
“Not Jackson,” Eli chimed in. “He burns water.”
“Hey!” the medic protested. “I resent that. I make a mean chili.”
The members of Wolf Pack groaned. “Mean is the perfect description,” Cal muttered. “I haven’t forgotten the upset stomach your concoction caused the last time I had the misfortune to eat it.”
Emma laughed along with the others. If this was the norm for Special Forces teams, no wonder David missed his teammates so much.
“How can I help?” David asked her.
She handed him the wooden spoon. “Stir this while I add the rest of the ingredients for the sauce.”
By the time the Montgomery brothers arrived, the spaghetti sauce was simmering, filling the air with a mouth-watering scent.
Caleb strode to the stove and kissed Emma on the cheek. “What’s cooking, Em?”
“Spaghetti sauce.” She smiled. “And, yes, there’s enough for you and your brothers.”