Page 93 of Security Breach
A sigh. “Can’t say that I do. He’s not known for being a team player. I’ll look into the case myself. If Jordan doesn’t send the forensic report by your deadline, text me. I’ll make sure you receive a copy. I’ll compile a list of agents and send them to you before midnight. I’ll contact each of them personally and make them aware that they may be needed for a special assignment. Anything else?”
“No, sir. Thank you.”
“I expect to be updated regularly, David.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Best of luck to you, son. If what you’re saying about this group is accurate, you’ll need every bit of skill and luck to protect Ms. Tucker.” After giving David a brief update on his own family, the FBI director ended the call.
He returned to the kitchen where Emma and Jon were hard at work. Eli was nowhere to be seen, but Jackson was now sitting at the breakfast bar working on his laptop, a mug of coffee close at hand.
David joined Emma and Jon at the table, and returned to filling out the reports on the shooting incident. Paperwork was one of the things he hated most about his job. He loved helping the citizens in his community and providing protection for them. Politics and paperwork? Not so much.
Near midnight, his phone rang. David glanced at his screen and frowned. “What’s wrong, Blair?”
“A boatload of trouble. I need you and your friend to return to the B & B.”
He straightened. “Why?”
“Justin Wells is dead.”
Blair met David and Jon at the back entrance of Gigi’s B & B, her eyes narrowed. “You’re not staying at the Rocking M, are you?”
“Emma is in a safe house not far from here,” David confirmed. “Was anyone else hurt?”
“Gigi suffered a blow to the head. EMTs are checking her now.”
Oh, man. “Does Owen know?”
Blair’s eyebrow rose. “Why would I notify Owen?”
“He cares about her.” More than his brother would admit.
She frowned. “Why didn’t I know about this? I hear everything in Archer.”
“My brother is careful not to let anyone know, including Gigi. Nobody does stealth like Force Recon.” He smiled. “Unless it’s a Navy SEAL.”
The police chief rolled her eyes. “Call him. Gigi is shaken, and she won’t call anyone for support. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Blair motioned for Jon to follow her into the house.
David called Owen.
“Miss me already, bro?” Owen asked in greeting.
“Come to the Archer B & B.”
“Is Gigi all right?”
“Someone attacked her and killed Wells.”
A cruiser’s siren blared and its engine roared as Owen said, “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes or less. Stay with her.” His brother ended the call.
David’s lips curved. He suspected his brother would arrive sooner than the fifteen-minute ETA. He hoped Owen wised up and staked his claim before some other man beat him to the punch. The B & B owner was beautiful. If Owen didn’t make his move soon, he might lose his chance with her.
Shoving his phone into his pocket, David entered the kitchen where Blair and Jon sat at a table. “Where’s Gigi?”
“Living room. Your brother?”