Page 98 of Security Breach
The exam room door opened, and Owen escorted Gigi into the hall, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “We’re ready to leave.” Owen said, expression grim.
“Take her to the B & B.”
Owen scowled. “No. I want her in a secure environment. The B & B might be overrun with cops, but it’s not secure.”
“Jordan needs to question her. You and Cal will stay with her.”
Gigi glared. “I’m standing right here, and I can make my own decisions. Take me home, Owen.”
“Agent Jordan will probably shut down your B & B for a day or two.”
Her mouth gaped. “He can’t do that, can he?”
“It’s a crime scene. Jordan only accommodates himself.” He turned to David. “I’ll take her to the B & B, but Jordan’s not taking her into protective custody.”
The B & B owner stared. “Custody? But I didn’t hurt Mr. Wells.”
“Come on,” Owen steered her toward the lobby. “Being in the hallway makes me twitchy.”
David, Jon and Cal formed a triangle around the couple and escorted them to the cruiser. Once Gigi was inside the vehicle, Owen turned to David. “Do I need to go off the grid with her?”
“Not yet. I’ll call in a favor with Whitehead and request Gigi be placed in our protective custody. If Jordan shuts down the B & B, take Gigi to the Rocking M and have the military-trained ranch hands form a perimeter around the house.”
“I’ll do it your way for now.”
David understood the unspoken threat. If the security at the ranch was breached, Owen would hide Gigi where no one would find her whether it cost his badge and freedom or not.
David and Jon followed the police cruiser to the B & B to ensure Owen, Gigi, and Cal arrived safely, then returned to the safe house. Although they arrived without incident, David couldn’t shake his sense of uneasiness. Trouble was coming, but when and where?
As soon as they entered the kitchen, Emma hugged David. He held her close, breathing in the familiar vanilla scent of her shampoo. “Hey,” he murmured.
“You’re okay?”
An invisible band tightened around David’s heart. “I am now that I’m holding you.”
“What about Gigi?”
“A mild concussion, headache, and bruises. The doc said she’ll be fine in a few days.”
“Thank God. I wish I could talk to her. I’ve missed her.”
“You’ll see her soon.”
She eased back. “What happened to Agent Wells?”
“Come with me.” He guided Emma to the living room sofa and tucked her close to his side. “He died in the same manner as your family, Em.”
“Oh, no.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Although I didn’t like the man, he didn’t deserve that. No one does.”
“We may have to relocate.”
A sigh. “I understand. I’m bringing my knitting this time.”
David smiled. “Good idea.”
“Where will we go?”