Page 39 of SEAL's Resolve
“I’m deployed on missions frequently, and I never know how long I’ll be gone. Wouldn’t be fair to board a pet for weeks at a time.”
Kristi opened her mouth to say something, then changed her mind.
Curious, he squeezed her hand. “What?”
She refused to meet his gaze. “You don’t have anyone to watch a dog or cat for you?”
His lips twitched when he realized what she was asking in a roundabout fashion. “I don’t have a girlfriend, Kristi. If I did, I wouldn’t have kissed you.” His name was called from the other side of the training arena.
Rafe led Kristi in the direction of Deke Creed, one of the PSI K-9 trainers. He shook the former US Marshal’s hand. “How are you, Deke?”
“Can’t complain. Who’s your friend?”
“Deke Creed, meet Kristi Stewart. She’s a friend who’s also a principal. Kidnapping vic.”
Deke shook her hand. “I’m glad you’re safe. You have a good man protecting you.”
Kristi smiled. “I think so, too.”
He turned back to Rafe. “What brings you to dog central?”
“Kristi and I need a stress break. I could go a few rounds on the mat with the trainees, but this was the best place to get a break without adding to my bruises.”
She gasped. “You’re hurt? You didn’t say anything to Dr. Anderson.”
“Just a few bruises, Kristi. Nothing worth bothering the doc over.” He’d suffered worse injuries on missions and kept going without missing a beat. “Tell me you have a good distraction for us, Deke.”
“The trainees are out with their K-9 partners, searching for one of the trainers pretending to be a lost hiker. I do have a foster dog here that we were testing for the program.”
Rafe’s eyebrows rose. “The dog’s not working out?”
Deke shook his head. “He’s too easily distracted. He’ll make a great family pet for someone, but Oliver isn’t S & R material.”
“What kind of dog is he?” Kristi asked.
“All American Mutt and all heart. Want to meet him?”
“I’d love to.”
Deke led them to the other end of the indoor arena where a dog played with one of the other trainers. The dog’s medium-length fur was a mixture of brown, white, and black. The corners of Rafe’s mouth lifted. Cute dog. When the trainer tossed a frisbee, the 40-pound dynamo raced after the toy, caught it in mid-air, then raced back, dropping the toy at his feet.
“Oliver, come. Sit.” When the dog plopped down on his butt, Deke knelt and rubbed the dog. “Want to pet him, Kristi? He’s a sweet boy.”
She knelt beside the trainer and ruffled Oliver’s fur, laughing when the dog nuzzled her neck and licked her face. Her eyes twinkled.
Deke chuckled. “Want to play fetch? He loves the game.”
He grabbed the frisbee and handed it to her. “Just toss it. Oliver is great at fetching.” He grinned. “Not so great at finding hidden people or objects, though.”
While she and Oliver played, Deke drew Rafe aside. “What’s her story?”
Rafe summarized the events of the past two days, mentioning the first kidnapping in passing. The other man didn’t need the details. If Kristi wanted to share them, that was up to her.
Deke uttered a soft whistle. “Tough few days. Any idea what the kidnappers wanted aside from money?”
“That’s enough for most.”