Page 65 of SEAL's Resolve
Eli patted her shoulder. “We have it covered, sugar. Don’t worry. One of us will go to the grocery store while you work with your clients.”
She looked at Rafe. “We can make a list before my first appointment arrives.”
“We’ll keep it simple and plan for two days at a time. Although you want to remain here, we don’t know how things will go. We might have to relocate to a hotel if things get dicey.”
She scowled. “I wasn’t kidding when I told Dad I can’t pack up and move my stuff anywhere else. All my supplies are here. I can’t cart sewing machines, bolts of fabric, and bins of notions along with thread, pearls, sequins, and a truckload of lace to a hotel.”
“One problem at a time, Kristi,” Rafe said.
“He’s right,” Eli said. “Let’s take care of our immediate needs first. Food and coffee, then we’ll plan the security shifts.” He glanced at Rafe with his eyebrow raised. “You holding out on us, Torres?”
“About what?” Rafe looked around as they traipsed through the elegant living room and inwardly winced. He hoped Kristi’s living area wasn’t so formal. He’d never feel comfortable in this space. This reminded him of Callie’s home, so elegant he was afraid to sit down.
“I didn’t know you cooked.”
“You didn’t ask.”
His team leader scowled. “Are you telling me the pasta salad and potato salad you brought to the team cookout was homemade?”
Rafe shrugged.
“Does Nate know?” Eli asked as they climbed the stairs to the second floor of the large house.
“I dabble in the kitchen because I like to eat, but I’m not in Nate’s league.”
“Could have fooled me,” Eli muttered. “Your salads were great.”
They entered a full kitchen drenched with natural light, granite countertops, and glass-fronted cabinets along with top-of-the-line appliances. A bookcase crammed full of cookbooks stood against the outside wall beside a picture window showcasing a beautiful garden with a meandering path and a couple of benches to sit and enjoy the flowers and plants.
Rafe whistled. “This kitchen is a chef’s dream.” He set the drink carriers on the breakfast bar, removed her cup of tea, and handed it to her.
“I enjoy it.”
Eli pulled breakfast sandwiches from the bags and set them on the counter beside the coffee. “I bet your boyfriend will, too.”
Cal paused in the process of reaching for a sandwich. “What does that mean?”
“Torres has been keeping a secret.”
“Besides his developing romance with Kristi?” Jackson asked.
“Yep.” Eli grinned. “We have a budding chef in our midst.”
Jon’s lips curved. “You’re slow on the uptake, buddy.”
“You knew?”
“How did you figure it out?” Eli demanded. “He hasn’t said a word.”
“You know many men who have cookbooks stashed in their bookcase and a professional chef’s block on their kitchen counter?”
He scowled. “You’ve been to his apartment?” Eli glared at Rafe. “Why has Jon been to your apartment but the rest of us haven’t?”
The heat in Rafe’s cheeks spread to his ears. “He gave me a ride to the auto parts store when my battery died last month. I bribed him with coffee to keep my secret.”
“I won’t forget this.” A slow smile curved his lips. “Especially when it comes time to do the cooking on our ops.”