Page 69 of SEAL's Resolve
“I’m not. Bruises are better than a bullet.”
Jackson patted her hand. “Stay still until we’re sure you won’t pass out when you stand.”
With Kristi resting against him, Rafe looked at Jon. “Sit rep.”
“Shooter’s in the wind. A male, at least six feet tall, 225 pounds, wearing tactical boots.”
Not an amateur. “Weapon?”
“A 9mm handgun.”
“Not a sniper, then.”
“Not this time. Which of you was in the lead?”
Rafe’s jaw tightened. “Kristi.”
“She wasn’t the target.”
“Figured that.”
“How do you know?” Kristi asked Jon. “Both of us were walking to the other side of the room when the shooter fired.”
He indicated the bullet hole in her wall. “Angle of the shot. The shooter aimed at Rafe. The security company set up cameras outside your home. I need your password to access the system and see what, if anything, the cameras picked up on your visitor.”
Kristi gave him the information he needed. “Will we see the shooter’s face?”
“Maybe. I’d be happy with a look at his vehicle and license plate.”
“What are the chances that will happen?”
“Not good.”
Eli headed to the door as Jackson zipped his mike bag and stood. “Jon and I will check the security feed. Cal and Jackson are on duty for the next few hours.” The three operatives left the room.
“I’m sorry, Rafe,” Kristi murmured.
He frowned. “For what?”
“Dragging you into this mess.”
Rafe kissed the side of her neck. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Ready to stand now?” When she nodded, Rafe got to his feet and lifted her, holding her steady.
She looked at the broken window. “I need to clean up the broken glass. Do you have mad carpentry skills as well as awesome kissing skills?”
He chuckled. “I get by in home repairs. I’ll ask Brent to send someone to take care of the window.”
“He’d do that?”
“We have an army of system installers. Some of them worked in home construction, and Brent has contacts everywhere. Trust me, it won’t be a problem to fix your window.”
“One less thing for me to worry about today.”
Rafe wrapped his arms around Kristi, his hold gentle. “Focus on your work. We’ll take care of the rest. What can I do to help?”
“I need to sweep up the glass. I don’t want to track shards through the house, especially to the fitting room. Sometimes, my brides-to-be are barefooted when they try on dresses.”
“I’ll take care of the glass before I call Brent. Where is the broom or vacuum?”