Page 75 of SEAL's Resolve
Rafe glanced around to be sure Kristi wasn’t nearby. “Contact Deke at PSI and ask him to send a picture of the dog Kristi plans to adopt as soon as we run the kidnappers to ground.”
“Oliver?” Brent asked.
His eyebrows rose. “Yeah. How did you know?”
“Deke mentioned that Oliver wasn’t a good fit for the S & R program, but he hated to send him back to the animal shelter.”
“He’s a sweet boy. Oliver and Kristi have fallen for each other. Deke offered to do more training with him until we resolve her problem. We need to make that happen soon, Brent. She’s mentioned Oliver several times since we left Otter Creek.”
“I’m glad Oliver is going to a good home. You should get a dog, Rafe.”
“I’m helping Kristi with Oliver. Zane, I owe you a favor.”
“Bring Kristi to dinner at our house one night, and we’ll call it even. I’d love to meet her in person, and I have a feeling that she and my wife will hit it off.”
“Deal. Can we bring Oliver? Once he’s living with her, she won’t want to leave him behind for a while.”
“Not a problem.”
“Need anything else, Rafe?” Brent asked.
“No, sir.”
“Keep me updated.”
Rafe grabbed his Go bag from his SUV, then carried the bag upstairs to the guest room across from Kristi’s bedroom before returning to the first floor.
Grabbing the electronic signal detector, Rafe started scanning in the kitchen. He found a bug in the light fixture over the dining table.
Jaw tight, he filled a glass with water and dropped the bug in the liquid. He resumed the search, wondering how many devices he would find and where.
Kristi walked into the kitchen to see Jill staring at Rafe, Eli, and Jon with wide eyes. “Good morning, Jill.”
“Do you need help setting up?” Jill’s voice came out a more high pitched than normal.
Amused, Kristi shook her head. “Have you met my security team?”
“Not yet. I just arrived.”
“This is Eli, Jon, and Rafe. Jackson and Cal are somewhere close.”
Jill’s gaze shifted to Kristi. “Although I appreciate buff guys as much as the next woman, why do you need a team of them protecting you?”
“I was kidnapped over the weekend.”
“What?” Her assistant dropped onto the chair behind her. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Afraid not.”
“Holy cow, Kristi. Your dad didn’t mention a kidnapping. He told me you took a couple of days off because you’ve been working so hard.”
“A group of men kidnapped me at the hotel after I delivered Abigail’s dress. Rafe rescued me.” She glanced at Rafe whose lips edged up at the corners.
“Are you okay, Kristi?”
She dragged her attention from the muscular operative. “Thanks to Rafe, I’m fine.”