Page 79 of SEAL's Resolve
Her jaw dropped. Good grief. Enough. If she delayed delivering the bad news any longer, this confrontation would devolve into bloodshed. “I’m not marrying you.”
Hugh’s eyes widened. “What?” he croaked. “Of course you are.”
“Rafe,” she murmured. “Please.”
The operative released Hugh and stepped back to stand beside her. His hand rested against her lower back again in silent support.
“Kristi, you can’t mean that.” Hugh straightened from the wall. “We belong together.”
“I don’t love you.” If she hadn’t been sure already, Hugh’s ridiculous statements and posturing would have convinced her.
He waved that aside. “We have fun together. Your father approves and plans to bring me into Stewart Group. We look good together, Kristi, and we operate in the same social circles.”
“I want more in a mate, and so should you. I want a husband who puts me first instead of himself, one who adores me, and supports my goals and decisions. That man isn’t you.”
“You can’t call off the wedding. The plans are already in place.” His voice rose.
“Ward.” Rafe’s tone held a warning.
“You had no right to make wedding plans without my consent or input.”
“You’re cheating on me.” He turned his scathing gaze to Rafe. “He’s the one, isn’t he? I saw the way he looked at you. He’s constantly touching you.”
“I like him touching me.”
In response, Rafe slid his arm around her waist and tucked her against his side.
“Are you crazy?” Hugh snapped. “He’s a security guard and doesn’t belong in our social circle. Have you investigated his background? He’s after your bank account.”
“Unlike you, I don’t need Kristi’s money,” Rafe said.
“I’m employed and have family money, not that it’s any of your business.”
“Anything that threatens her safety is my business, including you.”
“I’m no threat.”
“Your behavior indicates otherwise. So does your bank account.”
“You hacked my account records? That’s it. I’m calling the police. Hacking financial records is illegal.”
“Go ahead and call law enforcement. When they arrive, I’ll tell them about the irregularities in your hedge fund. I’m sure they’ll find that information much more interesting.”
Hugh paled. “You’re bluffing.”
“I never bluff. If you want to test me, go ahead and make that phone call. We’ll wait for the police together while Kristi goes back to work.”
“I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Stealing from a hedge fund to bankroll your gambling addiction is against the law, Ward.”
“I’m not an addict.”
“The amount of money you owe to casinos all over Las Vegas says otherwise. You’re a lousy gambler, and you planned to use Kristi’s trust fund to settle your debts.”
Hugh turned to her. “Don’t listen to him, sweetheart. He’s trying to make me look bad. We belong together. You know that.”
“How much money do you owe?” Kristi asked.