Page 85 of SEAL's Resolve
“They shouldn’t have been hired to begin with. If nothing else, Ward should have insisted on better men to protect Kristi.”
“Next one.”
“Mike Fleming. At one time, he worked for Silver Star Security.”
Rafe rolled his eyes. “Another third-rate outfit. What happened?”
“They booted Fleming out the door after one of his principals accused him of driving her vehicle while drunk. That wasn’t the only time he was accused of being drunk on duty.”
And Ward trusted this man with Kristi’s safety? Rafe shook his head. “Next.”
Another click of the keyboard. “Meet Sean Howell, a rent-a-cop at a series of malls before Ward Security hired him. No military or law enforcement experience in his background.”
“Why did WS hire him?”
“His father was in the same fraternity as Hugh’s father. They were close friends.”
“Any skeletons in Sean’s closet?”
“He was fired from the malls because he lifted merchandise.”
“Terrific. Who’s the last winner?”
“Dan Adams. This one is interesting. He used to be Special Forces. Dishonorably discharged when he punched a superior officer and decked a civilian in a bar fight.”
“The officer suspected an ambush on an operation, but sent Adams’ unit in anyway. Adams lost his best friend in the firefight.”
“I want their files.”
“Already sent to your email.” Jon inclined his head toward the picture of Adams. “This one has the training to pull off the kidnapping and the shot through the window. So does Hale.”
“We’ll look at all of them.” Feminine laughter drew Rafe’s attention to the hallway. He rose and followed the sound to the living room where Kristi stood with Maggie and her mother.
“Are you sure you can finish the dress in time for the wedding?” Maggie asked. “It’s beautiful, but intricate.”
“I won’t let you down. Let me worry about the dress. You concentrate on the rest of the details for your wedding and honeymoon.”
Maggie hugged her. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for this.”
“Spread the word to your friends and family about your dress designer. That’s thanks enough.”
“Oh, I will.” The bride smiled at Rafe. “I’m glad Kristi has someone special in her life. You’ll look out for her?”
“You have my word.”
As soon as the women left, Kristi turned to Rafe. “Did you finish the search for electronics upstairs?”
Oh, man. He didn’t want to have this conversation with Kristi right now. “I did. Your living quarters is clear now.”
“Did you find anything up there?”
“Quite a bit. We’ll talk about it when your workday is finished.”
She sighed. “That bad, huh?”
Rafe hugged her and glanced up as another vehicle pulled into her small parking lot. “Looks like your next client has arrived.”