Page 87 of SEAL's Resolve
Rafe grunted. “You’re comparing me to Ward?”
“There is no comparison,” she assured him. “You leave Hugh in the dust.”
“Good to know.”
“Since I’m taking a break, do you need help with dinner?” When Kristi turned her head to see what he was doing, she winced.
He frowned. “Is your headache back?”
“The pain never left. My neck and shoulders are tight.”
Rafe led her to a chair at the breakfast bar. “Sit here.” When she complied, Rafe massaged her shoulders and neck.
She moaned. “You’re hired as my massage therapist for life.”
He chuckled. “Glad I have career options.”
Jackson, who sat at the other end of the breakfast bar with his laptop, snorted.
“You heard the lady.” Rafe smiled at his teammate. “Magic hands.”
“The lady is biased. You should have better taste in men, Kristi. When you tire of Torres, come see me. We’ll ride off into the sunset together, and you won’t remember his name.”
“Hey.” Rafe lightly punched the other man on the shoulder before resuming the massage. “Find your own girl.”
“All the good ones are taken.” Jackson closed his laptop and stood. “What time is dinner?”
“Thirty minutes.”
“I’ll be outside until then.” Seconds later, he was gone.
Rafe frowned. What was eating at Jackson?
“Is he all right?” Kristi asked.
“I’ll find out later.”
“How? Wolf Pack doesn’t share feelings with each other.”
Rafe chuckled. “I’ll hassle him, of course. What else would a good friend do?”
“Is he upset because we’re together?” She twisted to face him. “I don’t want to cause a rift between you and your teammates.”
He kissed her, aware they could be interrupted by his teammates or the installation team. “Something’s been bothering Jackson for a while. I’ll find out what’s going on. Do you feel better or should I continue the massage?”
“I’m better. How can I help?”
“How are you at assembling a salad?”
“I’m the salad prep queen. When I’m pressed for time and need a quick meal, grilled chicken on top of a salad is my first choice.”
“You’re hired. Salad stuff is in the refrigerator.”
“What’s dinner?”
“Chicken fettuccine and salad.”
She stared. “You made fettuccine from scratch?”