Page 110 of Covert Mission
Rubin’s fists clenched. “Peters?”
“I have to go to her, sir. Please.”
“You can’t leave your post until someone relieves you.” Seth glanced at Teagan. “Go to our quarters and scan. I’ll find someone I trust to step in for Rubin.” He turned back to Jillian’s boyfriend. “Stay at your post until I return. I won’t be long.”
“Yes, sir.”
He walked through the compound. Lights blazed inside the machinist’s shop. A moment later, he opened the door and stepped inside.
Ryan glanced up and sprang to his feet. “Sir, what can I do for you?”
“Do you have work that can’t wait?”
“No, sir. What do you need?”
“A man I trust to cover a guard shift. You interested?”
“Yes, sir. Where?”
“About 200 yards from my quarters. You’ll sub for Rubin.”
Concern filled the other man’s eyes. “Is he all right?”
“He is. His girlfriend isn’t.”
Ryan stiffened. “What happened?”
“If you’re as observant as I think you are, you already know.”
“Peters,” the Army soldier spat out. “He’s old enough to be her grandfather.”
“You in?”
“You bet, sir. Give me five minutes to close up shop and I’ll take over for Rubin. Anything else I can do to help?”
Could Seth trust him as much as his gut said? “I’ll let you know. I’d rather this didn’t get out, Ryan. It’s best for Rubin and Jillian.”
“Yes, sir.” He turned away from the counter.
“May I help you close the shop?”
Ryan turned. “Do you mind gathering the trash and taking it to the garbage can behind the shop? I need to shut down my computer and sweep the shop floor so I’m ready to open tomorrow.”
“I’ll be glad to.” Seth smiled. “My mother trained me well in the art of trash disposal.” After preparing the shop for the next day’s work, Ryan walked with Seth toward the team’s quarters.
When Rubin spotted them approaching, relief filled his eyes. “Thanks for taking over for me, Ryan. I owe you one.”
“Glad to do it, buddy. I’ve got you covered. Go take care of your girl.”
Rubin turned to Seth. “Sir?”
“Go. Make sure you knock on the door, Rubin. Barging in is a good way to get yourself shot. You hear me?”
“Yes, sir.” The kid spun and raced for the team’s quarters.
“Thanks for doing this, Ryan.” Seth shook the other man’s hand. “Once I find out what’s going on with Jillian, we’ll come up with a plan for the rest of Rubin’s shift.”