Page 115 of Covert Mission
“Are you sure about this?” Seth asked.
“What choice do we have?” Rubin shook his head. “I have to protect Jillian better.”
“It’s my fault.” More tears glimmered in Jillian’s eyes. “I was terrified Mr. Peters or Mr. Richardson would hurt Rubin. He wanted to help me, to stand up to them and tell them to leave me alone, but I was afraid I would lose Rubin.”
“You were right to be concerned,” Violet said. “Based on what you’ve said, Peters is looking for a reason to get rid of Rubin so he can have access to you with no one getting in hisway. You protected your boyfriend, Jillian. No one will fault you for doing what you believed was right.”
“I should have done something before now.” Rubin kissed Jillian’s temple. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Peters would have killed you.” Seth said. “Then where would your girlfriend be? With no protection. Rubin, Jillian, you have to be sure of your decision. Once you testify, your whole lives will change. You won’t be able to go home or contact your family and friends. Members of militias have long memories. We’re talking about new identities, new area, no family support. No contact with anyone from your old life. A clean break from everything and everyone you’ve ever known. Can you live with that for the rest of your lives?”
Rubin’s chin raised. “We’ll get married. We don’t need anyone but each other.”
Brave words from brave kids. Teagan’s heart hurt for them and the hardships that lay ahead. The odds were against them making it unless someone helped.
She grabbed her phone and glanced at Seth as she stood. “I need to make a call.”
Concern filled his eyes, but he gave a slight nod.
Teagan squeezed his shoulder as she walked past him and headed for her bedroom. Once the door closed behind her, she placed the call to Maddox.
“Yeah, Maddox,” he said after the first ring.
“It’s Teagan.”
“Sit rep.”
“Artemis is working on a plan to spring Jillian and her boyfriend, Rubin, tonight. We’re also planning to hack Peters’ computer. Peters leaves nothing out for us to see the target or the plan he’s hatching.”
“If you find the information you need tonight, leave the compound immediately. I don’t like how this is playing out, Teagan.”
“Same, boss.”
“What do you need?”
“Private witness protection for Rubin and Jillian. I don’t trust the feds to monitor them. I don’t like the odds of Rubin and Jillian surviving the year without help.”
Silence, then, “What do you suggest?”
“New identities for both of them. A new location with help to find jobs and funds for college if they want to go to school. A mentor to guide them and help with their security until we’re sure they’ve slipped away from The Brotherhood.”
Maddox snorted. “Is that all? Who’s going to foot this bill?”
“I know it’s an imposition, sir. But I want these kids safe. They won’t be if they don’t have help.”
“I’m already several steps ahead of you, Teagan.”
She blinked. “Sir?”
“Zane is working on their new identities, and I’ve talked to Josh Cahill. We’re moving Rubin and Jillian to Otter Creek. The teams at PSI will watch over the kids. Plus, Josh will make Ethan Blackhawk, the police chief, aware of what’s going on. Between the training teams at PSI and the Otter Creek police, we’ll have Rubin and Jillian covered. We’re working on finding jobs for them. I also planned on adding school funding to the bill we send to the feds.”
Relief flooded her. “They won’t like that.”
“They owe us. I’ll be happy to remind them if they balk, then go straight to Martin to get approval.”
He would, too. Nothing made Brent Maddox happier than to cash in one of the many favors the government agencies owed him and Fortress. That being the case, she might as well askfor another security measure to protect the young couple. “One more favor, sir.”
“Name it.”