Page 126 of Covert Mission
If that was true, why did Richardson feel it necessary to spy on his partner in leadership? Made little sense unless he suspected Peters planned to leave him out of The Brotherhood’s big plan. Seth was driven but Peters and Richardson were something else entirely. Besides both men being driven to succeed, they didn’t mind stepping on anyone who hindered their journey to the top. But the top of what? That was the question they needed to answer to unravel this puzzle.
Seth yanked himself back on task when Teagan’s slow smile caused his heart turn over in his chest. His woman was potent.
“I did,” she said. “You gave me the time I needed to use Riley’s program.”
“Good thing,” Noah said. “I thought we’d have to take out Peters if he tried to drag you off to the punishment room.”
Her smile faded. “He could try. He would have failed.”
“We don’t have enough manpower to take on the entire compound, babe.” Seth kissed her temple. “Let’s play nice with the militia members until we’re sure we have what the feds want. As soon as we confirm the target and the day and time, we’re out of here.”
Couldn’t happen soon enough. He wanted Teagan out of Haven before the first bullet flew. Seth didn’t want any of them caught in the crossfire. “How do we send Riley the information?”
“She already has it and so does Zane. The program automatically uploaded the files on the hard drive to both of their computers. They’ll analyze the contents of the hard drive and hopefully give us the information the feds want.”
Bowen sighed. “If we’re lucky, Peters isn’t so old school that he keeps everything on paper and under lock and key.”
“I didn’t find a safe in his office.” Teagan frowned, her expression thoughtful. “He might have one in his quarters. I can check for that.”
“No,” Violet said.
“We may not have a choice.”
“There’s always a choice, Teagan. We’re not taking a chance with your life. Let’s wait and see what’s on the hard drive. If what we need isn’t there, we’ll come up with another plan.” She looked at Noah. “Are you good at interrogation, Noah?”
“I was cross trained in interrogation techniques,” he admitted. “I’ll get what we need but it won’t be pretty or silent.”
“Iona can do it, too,” Teagan pointed out.
“She’s not in Haven. We can’t have our teammates in the compound without a viable explanation for anyone who sees them.”
“They wouldn’t be seen. We’re better than that.”
“Come on, Teagan. Chances are excellent someone would see at least one of our teammates. Too many people wandering around the compound at all hours of the day and night. Many of them have itchy trigger fingers. I don’t want to treat our teammates for unnecessary gunshot wounds.”
Seth held up his hand like a traffic cop to stop the ongoing argument. “Table the discussion until we know what’s on the hard drive. We can’t do anything until Zane and Riley finishexamining the files. When they do, we’ll create a plan to find the information we didn’t uncover or escape from the compound and let the feds take over.”
Marsh snorted. “If they can. The feds are well known for their messes.”
Knight said, “The feds may not mobilize fast enough.”
That was Seth’s biggest concern. “I’m afraid your right.”
“What will we do if they can’t handle the job?” Bowen asked.
“Whatever is necessary to stop The Brotherhood. For now, get some rest. We have to meet the trainees in four hours.”
“Can’t let the trainees show us up.” Noah pressed his hand against Violet’s lower back. “Come on, Violet. I’ll walk you home.”
Teagan’s teammate glanced at him with amusement in her eyes. “Oh, good. I was afraid I’d get lost going to my room.”
The rest of them laughed, breaking the tension in the room.
One by one, the rest of the team scattered, leaving Seth alone with Teagan. He wrapped his arms around the woman of his dreams, pulled her close, and held her against him, allowing the stress and adrenaline from the night’s events to bleed off. “You were amazing tonight.”
“I did nothing out of the ordinary.”
“You finished the mission even though Peters showed up and when you left the office, you acted as though you had every right to be there. You didn’t panic.”